Potter Black and Lupin Reunion

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The movie's next scene is shown in emery's lupins household to see Selena and Remus in deep discussion

"Remus they should know about this"

"Are you sure baby"

James and Sirius turn to moony wiggling their eyebrows at Remus with a teasing smile 


Remus just pushed them back and they start to laugh as Remus saw Selena blushing he just pulled her to him and kissed her forehead

seeing this their friends made a wipe sound

"They are growing sad everyday Remus you know they have magical triplet bound  they may not be born on the same day or in the same womb but magic made them brothers"

"I know that dealing I even feel  some part of my soul is detached from me since the cub stopped coming here moony is always howling whenever we remember him"

Selena hugged him with tears in his eyes

"If I could go back and change that moment I will Remus I miss my godson so much it hurts so bad"

Remus is sharing her as she cried in his hug

all the people in the hall got emotional, especially the kid's parents and family

pursues just got up and hugged Selena saying

"you are the best godmother I can ever have anuty sally"

Selena just chuckled with full of tears in her eyes and hugged him as their family smiled at that 

Selena calmed down after some time and called

"Hardian Apollo came down to the living room please"

"Coming Mom/Anuty sally"

Selena smiled at that with her family she always wants to have kids and wants to be anuty to Percy's kids

after a few seconds, you can see a boy with brown hair in a messy way with shining hazel violet fickles eyes of age 10 years came down next came a boy who would swoon all the girls with his looks which came from both sides of his family with black hair in a messy stylish way and bright emerald green eyes and a lightning bolt scar on his forehead and both the boys have a mischievous smile and look on their face

all the people in the hall are looking at the screen mesmerized by them and one of the raven claw students asked them

"do you have veela  geans in your family"

olympian and potter including James,persophena, Selena, apollo, and harry said "no"

James murmured in persophena ear which caused her to shiver at the hot breath on her nick

"looks like our son got our looks"

seeing them like this lily glaring at them 'James is supposed to be mine not this bitch'

the future generation is glaring at lily with hate

this was seen by the mikealsons and seeing how she behaved with them since the movie started they wouldn't be surprised if the kids know her and hate her in the future

seeing the smile Selena narrow her eyes because they both were prank stars and have marauders blood in them both and asked

"What did you both do"

they just mock gasped in hurt saying

"We didn't do.."

"anything who"

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