1 - "I Do?"

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Two Years Later

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Two Years Later...



Lotus sat comfortably in his Midtown Manhattan office. He opened up a small office for people to meet him. It was a place for him to speak to people in person about topics he wanted privacy about. Especially if he didn't want them at his house for personal or business reasons.

He wanted things basic so the office was one level but large and spacious. Inside was serene and calm—a contrast to the outside world the minute you opened the door. The hustle and bustle of the city never seemed to stop. He was centered right by Penn Station, one of the busier areas of the city.

Lotus bought the place instead of renting it. Being his illegal business dealings were handled in the office via phone or in person—having a shared space with other people with the lifestyle he lived was a recipe for disaster. He needed to be away from prying eyes and ears. So the setup was perfect.

Eyes narrowed, he jotted down important information from the phone call he just received from his contractors. For the last two years he had been talking to the city and developers about opening a mall.

Something like Queens Mall and Kings Plaza; but it would be an outdoor mall. He had finally gotten the license, proper certifications and the permission to do so. The structure was finished and all he needed were the stores he would put in the mall.

The idea was people would lease the space from him and give him a percentage for their rented space. There was a total of fifty spaces in the outdoor mall when he started. A lot of the spaces had already been taken up by clothing stores, eateries, sneaker shops, eyewear stores, vitamin shops and furniture stores. One floor of the mall even had a movie theater and a gym. There were now ten spaces left and he had a lot of people that wanted to put their business in his mall.

The name of the mall would be called Hunter Mall and it was owned solely by him. White Locus's name wasn't on it, so he didn't owe her any shares or portions. He and his sister owned businesses together and some separate businesses and this mall would be added to the list of separate business.

Lotus picked up the remote for the air conditioning and without looking, aimed the controller at the unit, turning it off. It was starting to turn into an ice box and he couldn't concentrate.

Along with the construction of the mall, he was getting married in eight weeks. So he barely got time to sit and think. His ringing cellphone made him curse as he picked it up. That was until he realized it was his chauffeur. The man had called half an hour ago and said he was outside and Lotus told him to give him five minutes, but clearly had forgotten about him. He knew Lisa would be pissed because he was late for the appointment now.

Lotus answered the phone right away. "I'm coming outside right now." Lotus said.

"Okay, sir." The chauffeur responded. 

Lotus made a small mark in his notes so he would remember where he left off and stood from behind his desk. He turned off the lights and locked the door on his way out. He made the few strides across the sidewalk and slid into the back of the lustrous white Bentley. He pulled the door in behind him and the car moved off.   

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