27 - "Catatonia"

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What everyone thought was Lotus being unresponsive due to shock and depression; turned out to be something much more serious

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What everyone thought was Lotus being unresponsive due to shock and depression; turned out to be something much more serious. It was a week now and he still hadn't moved, literally. Realizing something was seriously wrong, Ember called in a private doctor. She told the specialist Lotus didn't get up to go to the bathroom, didn't eat, shower or even blink. His gaze had been fixated on the wall for days and days and days.

Performing an assessment, the doctor found that he had lost the ability to speak, didn't move, was in a permanent stupor and gazing off into space twenty-four seven. So it was confirmed by the doctor that Lotus was suffering from catatonia. It was a disorder that made a person unable to react to the world around them.

Catatonia was usually caused by schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or mental illnesses alike. But in Lotus's case, his own had been caused by trauma. His brain had went through shock and from then he'd been unresponsive. His eyes vacant, his body immobile.

Unless someone physically made him do something, he was like a statue.

Noelle laid in front of Lotus and he behind her, the two in a spooning position. He had his arm around her hip, but Noelle was the one who put it there. Her, Ember, Dalton and Bonnie often took turns helping to take care of him. Noelle constantly stayed with him in the bed because she had to do a lot of intimate things for him.

Lotus didn't even move to pee. It seemed as if he was in his own world. So Noelle every two to three hours would have to take him to the connecting bathroom to urinate. She literally had to hold his dick for him and make him piss. She had to shower him as well; as he didn't move to do that either. She even brushed his teeth. 

The family needed Noelle for things like that. Because the female staff was much older and they didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable asking them to take care of Lotus in that way. The issue was Noelle wouldn't be able to do this forever. It's only been five days, but she had her own life. 

Eventually she'd have to go back to work, back to her own house. They'd probably have to hire someone to pick up where she left off. 

Lotus was stuck staring at the wall. People walked in and out his room all day, spoke to him, talked to him, touched him and all he could do was lay there. But he knew when Bonnie and his brother came in the room. And that Noelle laid in the bed with him everyday. And that for the past five nights his mother slept in a rocking chair in the room with him. He was aware of his surroundings, he just couldn't do anything about it. 

Ember knocked in case Noelle was getting Lotus dressed, but when Noelle told her to come in, she entered the room with Magdalene. The maid carried a tray with hot tomato soup.

"Lotus, it's time to eat." Ember said. It'd been five days and he hadn't eaten a thing. She figured he didn't have the will to chew, so she had the chef make something he could just swallow.

Noelle got out the bed and the two women helped him sit up. Ember sat on the bed next to Lotus and dipped the spoon in the thick red paste. Parsley was at the top for decoration. Ember blew it to cool it down and put it against his lips. His eyes stared straight ahead, his lips closed. He seemed to be in a different world, it was the saddest thing anyone had ever seen.

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