6 - "Requited Love"

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It was the next day and the storm had picked up

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It was the next day and the storm had picked up. Rain beat against the pavement viscously; the aggressive winds helping aid in keeping people off the streets. 

Mark walked through his front door, balancing his cellphone between his head and shoulder while on the line with his cellphone company. He'd been paying bills for the last half hour and this was his last one. 

The cellphone bill wasn't high, only $54 for the month. None of his bills were extremely unaffordable because it was only two people, him and Roselyn. It was challenging sometimes finding the money because his source of income was limited due to him now working an entry level office job with a child to take care of. But he did okay getting by.

The rains and heavy winds in the background made it a little hard to hear the representative while he was outside. But now that he was in his house, he could hear her clearly. 

"Alright Mr. Statin, do you have any questions or concerns at all?" The representative on the phone asked.

"No, that's it." 

"Alright, your cellphone balance is now zero dollars and zero cents. The current statement will be emailed to you. Have a great rest of your day, sir." The woman hung up.

Mark flipped on the living room light and gasped, his back flying against the front door as his phone fell from his hand. His ability to hear disappeared and his heart slammed against his chest so hard he swore it physically popped out of his chest. 

White Locus sat on his couch, legs crossed and smoking a Majesty Premium cigar. No sunglasses were on her face but her expression was still unreadable.

"I searched all over this house for Roselyn. She's not here, where is she?" Locus asked curiously, seeing she wasn't with him.

Mark's mouth was still dry from shock. Locus didn't move, only the smoke from her cigar wafting through the air gave motion. It took him a moment but when he realized it wasn't an intruder with the intentions to kill him, his hearing slowly started to come back. He knew because he could finally hear the rhythm of his heart in his ears. The beat sounded unnaturally slow. 

"Where's Roselyn?"

Looking at her, she was dressed in high waisted distressed jeans with open toe heels and a red criss cross halter top. Even simple, her outfit could still turn heads on the street. The weather obviously wasn't a concern to her, however. 

"...How'd you get in my house?"

Locus just looked at him narrowing her eyes. It was a silly question, he knew who she was. He knew it was dumb as well but it was the only thing he could think of to say.

White Locus finally stood and walked toward his kitchen. He saw her shirt was an open back top. Her small and slender back on full display as she sashayed about.

She opened the fridge and got a bottle of water. She turned to face him, her back against the refrigerator. "Does Synthia crush your sternum when she rides you?" 

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