The Cane (leading till she turns)

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Author's note I do NOT own the characters in this book (except Elizabeth) this is strictly entertainment purpose only. I do own the backstory when we get to the book series I don't own the big plot. Read this again so it sticks. Please do enjoy. TW: blood abuse. Now please enjoy the story with grace.

Miriam's POV
  Bertrand and I have a small home in a little village in France, away from the knights and finally some peace. Waking up one morning I saw all the older orphans racing outside in the grass. One had really caught my eye over time she was around 16 and was so fast she could give a slower vampire a run for it's money. I watched them for a half hour before the nasty owner came out snapping her cane against the gravel telling them to get inside. "You okay Miriam?" Bertrand asks. I nod and leave the window.

Elizabeth's POV
       I love running it lets me leave all my problems. This morning me and all the other older kids had a race. I won of course.Then outsteps Madame Travers and her cane, it scrapes across the gravel the metal point hitting the rocks. She slaps Simon in the head. Dieu I hate her.

She hurries us inside and sets us to work, I take care of the young kids and keep them entertained there is not a lot of them because young children usually are people first choice to adopt. I've been here my whole life and have the scars to prove it. I can not count how many times that metal tip has hit me. It usually happens because I start an argument or take the punishment for the other kids.

Finally the day ended an we could all rest, I tucked in the little kids and changed into my night clothes. While everyone was asleep I climbed up to the window ledge and overlooked the meadow in front of it. After a hour I climbed into bed and fell asleep.

~the next morning~
I woke up the next morning to someone pulling my hair I opened my eyes to Beth the little girl I love and cherish over anyone having my long wavy black hair wrapped around her fingers. I lift her up and pull my hair out of her grasp. "Now Beth why are you pulling my hair this lovely morning." I say my voice coated with sugar. "Today is.."

(Could not find the dress that fit the era here's her hair

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(Could not find the dress that fit the era here's her hair. It's in the wrong spot I know suck it up.)

"Choosing day" I say remembering. I rush out of bed and and put on my nicest dress, tie part of my hair back with a ribbon, and rush help the younger kids. I yell at the older kids who slept in to get ready and then everyone is awake, dressed, and downstairs. "Line up children!" Madame Travers yells.

We all stand up taller and face forward. She gives us the same speech every month and after a bunch or some people come in looking for a child. This month 6 couples come in and 4 single people not all of them leave with a child. A lovely couple walks up to me and Beth I squeeze her and reassuring her. "Well hello you two." they smile. I give them my best smile and so does Beth. "What are your names?" the woman asks. "Hello." I answer "I'm Elizabeth and beside me is Beth." giving her my best smile.
"Well you two are absolutely stunning." she says.
"Thank you." I reply.

"Well George what do you say?" the woman asks him. "I want the older one." Don't say anything Elizabeth if you do it's going to be worse. my conscience. I'm not one for listening. "Not happening if you take me you take her!" I yell.

"On second thought Diane this one has a temper take the little one." George says. Beth looks like she is going to cry, I take her upstairs to pack. "Hush they seem like vey nice people." I whisper. "They don't like you they must be ridiculous." she says

"No one likes me, I have a sharp tongue and a bit of a temper." I reassure her. I grab her suitcase and bring it downstairs, I hug her and pass her on to her to her new parents. Most of little children are gone again and Simon left.

Bertand's POV
"Hey Bertrand it's that day again." Miriam says while peeking out the window. She has been watching over this one girl for a while. That lady running the orphanage was cruel woman. Miriam hadn't moved from the window in two hours. "Dieu love will I have to remove you from that window." I ask. "I'm fine Bertie don't worry." she says. Another 15 minutes pass and I here a sigh from the room. She didn't get adopted, poor girl.

Elizabeth's POV
I'm in trouble.
Big big trouble. Madame Tracers is mad at me for yelling at the couple. I know it's going to hurt. "You little salope! You could have given me relieved of you, your a disgrace!" she yelled in my face spit flying.

I ignored her and walked outside, the town's amazing couple was out for a walk Bertrand and Miriam Shephard. Before I took another step the can struck me in the back. I turned and faced her, I wasn't going to run away that would make me a coward. She strikes me in the side and I fall to the ground. She hits the cane against the rocks and comes closer to me.

I forgot all about Miriam and Bertrand as the cane struck me in the stomach knocking the wind out of me. She struck me again this time I felt my ribs crack she heard it and smiled. I was struggled to breathe she hit me again my dress was now leaking red. I saw it come again and I finally embraced that I was going to die. Her cane hit the middle of my chest and I felt it collapse. My breath was shaken as I said "You are a coward."

Arms picked me up and carried me somewhere I could care less right now. I was placed on the ground and saw two pairs of eyes before mine closed. A sharp pain was at my neck and then I drank something it tasted like copper.

Miriam's POV

Bertrand and I were on a walk and I saw the girl walk out of the orphanage in a panic, she saw us and looked back at the door. That evil woman came out and struck the girl in the back, the girl just turned around she didn't run, scream or cry. The cane hit her in the side and she fell, I heard her grunt in pain. I felt Bertrand try to pull me away but I stood there rooted in that spot watching.

She struck the girl again and I heard the ribs crack. She still didn't scream she just sat there taking the punishment. Her once light dress stained red my nostrils flared at the smell. She hit her once more and I heard her grunt. I ran to her Bertrand yelled at me to stop I didn't listen. I picked up the girl and ran to the forest not caring that the evil old lady saw my unnatural speed. I didn't even ask her before I did it.

Bertrand's POV (while in the forest)

Miriam bent over the pretty much dead girl, I didn't even stop her as she drained her. I hope the girl would be okay with this or else I believe Phillipe would hunt me down and kill me. Miriam had finished and now had slit her wrist so the girl could drink from it. I saw the girls chest rise and then saw her sit up in full panic.

Authors note
Right so first chapter done also my first book so it will be messed up cringe and just weird. I would like honest options in the comments part of an author's job is to take criticism and make the story better and anyways it may be a while to update and get to the discovery of witches book. So if you do read this try to enjoy it.


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