Chapter 3 & 4 &5

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I actually can't believe I made it past 150 views. So wow and thanks 😊 on with the story.

Elizabeth's POV
Uncle Matt and I stand in the shadows and wait for the witch to walk by. Uncle Matt watched the scholar pass under the bridge they were on. "She seems really young to have a doctorate, don't you think?" He asks me, I shrugged my shoulders, and kept my eyes on the witch.

"Come." He said gesturing at me. We walked along the rooflines as we filled her they rounded the way to the New College wall and slipped past its boundaries. I watch her open the window, that saves us from picking the lock. We sprinted across the open space and climbed the side of her building. The scholars scent was a little overpowering, but all I can hear is pages from a book turning.

Matthew stretched his neck to look at the witch we sat for another 20 minutes and then her breathing was regulated telling us that she was asleep. We hopped in through the window and started to look for Ashmole 782. I peeked at the other rooms while Matthew searched her dining table and desk.

I searched her bedroom and bathroom and then placed everything back in its original spots at the exact same angle. When she finished she walked down the hallway and back to the witches main commons. She took one look and... "Merde." The witch was glowing and Matthew stood a top of her. "Language," (Captain America fans that's for you.)

"She's hiding something but I can't figure out what it is." He runs his hand through his hair with frustration. I nodded "She must use magic in her work how would she project our old friends so perfectly. How does a modern women capture the past like that without magic?" Matthew babbles.

"She could just work really hard and a lot. I mean I've never seen her doing leisure activities or hanging out with other people." I shrug my shoulders. He starts to speak again when the clock strikes three startling both of us. We walked to the window and climbed out.

When we  get back to the lab and Matthew is completely on edge. I go to grab my coat and help Marcus process some DNA. Maman and Matthew are arguing in the other room quite loudly about Dr. Bishop. Marcus raises his eyebrows at me and I start to explain very quietly what happened. He nods his head along with the story and sighs at the end.

We finish with the DNA and I go up to my office to get changed for the day.

I packed my bag, grabbed my badge and headed downstairs

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I packed my bag, grabbed my badge and headed downstairs. Uncle Matt was at the door waiting we hopped in the Range Rover and headed to the Bodlien. Once everyone saw Uncle Matt they went into full insane mode. Uncle Matt placed his request while I booked us seats in the Selden end so he could watch Diana.

When we were done we walked in and sat down. "Thank you for taking me I needed a change of scenery to write." I smile Matthew smiles back and pats me on my head. His eyes perk up and watched Dr. Bishop walk into A6. She placed her stuff down "Prof. Clairmont, Ms. Shephard." She nods her head. A librarian brings Uncle Matt's three manuscripts and my one. I nod my head in thanks.

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