Falling • Azriel

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Prompt: You are a mortal and death is coming for you, but Azriel is faster than death.

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It's high, very high.

That was the first thing she thought when she looked down. Why did she decide to explore a stupid and old tower in the mountains? Why did she have to climb the mountain for hours, begging the Gods to don't let her fall to her death, when she could simply go to her house and be warm and safe?

Because she was wild.

And because she was free, like a bird.

But birds had wings, not her.

The world shook again, or maybe it was her legs. Maybe both.

This thing is going to fall, and I am going to die. She realizes as the tower cracked below her feet, the sounds of rocks ready to fall and the sounds of her heart were the only things she could hear.

She just wanted to have an adventure, to live, to get closer to the stars.

Maybe it was worth it. She thought as she looked at the sky, the falling tower would send her to death, but at least it gave her the most wonderful view of the sky. She could live this moment, while most of the mortals could only imagine it.

She lived more adventures than any of her friends, she explored more places than a traveler, and if she was going to die, she would be satisfied if it happened while she explored the world, but...

But she still wanted more, she wanted to discover more.

She wanted more than the Mortal Realm, she wanted to travel beyond the Wall.

The hundreds of stars adorned the dark sky like drops of paint when an artist let his brush fall on the floor. Beautiful, random, and perfect.

There was no escape, she would die there, but at least she wasn't alone, the stars would guide her.

She took her eyes from the sky and looked at the mountains, who would know that her curiosity would be her oxygen, but also her poison?

But before she could close her eyes and accept her fate, a big shadow moved in the sky. No, not a shadow, wings.

It was coming for her, maybe it was death, it would guide her to the other world. She would never imagine that death would have gorgeous bat wings, as dark as the sky above them. It was her imagination, she was dreaming awake like always.

The first rock of the tower fell, and then the second, all she could hope for was that her end would be fast and painless.

"Jump!" The flying shadow screamed, and she couldn't be more surprised and confused.

"Jump! Now!"

And she did, because she had nothing to lose.

Her eyes were closed, she didn't want to see it coming, but instead of the sound of her body hitting against the mountain, she heard wings.

And instead of feeling the cold rocks hit her body, she felt warm arms holding her waist. When she dared to open her eyes, she wasn't falling anymore, she was flying.


She looked at his face, and it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

A faerie.

Oh, dear Gods, she was lost.

"This area is dangerous for mortals," the male said, she didn't know it was possible for someone's voice to sound like the night.

She thought about his words mentally. Dangerous? She never heard about a faerie saving a mortal, she only heard about the scary rumors, but the way he held her agaisnt his warm body to make sure she was safe made her think that all the rumors were wrong.

"What is your name?" she asked during a moment of courage.

His eyes had the reflection of the stars in them, and the wind made his dark hair messy, but it was beautiful, he was like a fallen angel.

"Azriel, my name is Azriel."

She's never seen a fairy like him, she has never seen a fairy at all.

"Tell me where you live, and I will fly us there," Azriel said. "Your family must be waiting and very worried."

Maybe it was because she was still in shock, but she couldn't understand how she felt so open to talk to a man, a male, she never saw before.

"Nobody is waiting for me."

He remained in silence, so she did the same, the sound of his wings were more than enough for her, it was better than the consuming silence of her house.

House. Not home.

"Nobody?" he finally said.


Hope, freedom, anxiety, and fire filled her heart when he continued. "Then let's go to my home, the Night Court."

She went to the tower to feel closer to the sky, and now, while Azriel was flying with her, she felt like she could touch the stars.

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A.N.: I would always imagine a scene of Azriel saving someone from falling, he would try to fly as fast as he can while his shadows follow him. I am happy to finally share this scene with other people. ♡

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