Lady of the Night Court • Rhys

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Prompt: You are Feyre, the High Lady of the Night Court, and you are pregnant.

"I think I finally found a good romance," Feyre said to her sister.

Elain was already reading and smiled. "Let's hope this one is good, because last time..."

"No, I don't want to talk about last time." Nesta borrowed one of her books to Feyre, she said it was romance, but all she found was smut, when Feyre went to Nesta, her sister laughed at her.

Feyre sat hunched over a book in one of the many elegant reading nooks within the Night Court's library, her sister Elain quietly flipping through the parchment pages beside her. The grandness of the mansion's library never failed to astound her, but today, her usual excitement was overshadowed by a strange sensation building within her.

"You look different today, no... those are the wrong words; you feel different," Elain whispered.

"I feel different?" Feyre repeated.

"Yes, I think."

"How so?"

"Honestly, I am not sure," Elain finished and kept her search around the books and pages.

However, it was true, Feyre felt different recently, but she wasn't quite sure why, it changed some weeks ago, Rhysand insisted to make sure she was fine, but she didn't really feel sick, so she pushed the big bat boy back to the training camp with his brothers, Azriel and Cassian.

She blinked rapidly, hoping the dizziness would pass, but it only intensified. Bloody Cauldron, was she going to vomit again?
Feyre felt her heart quicken, her breath catching in her throat. Panicking, she abruptly rose from her seat and stumbled towards the nearest exit, Elain calling her name in concern.

"What is happening, Feyre?" Elain asked, but she had no time to answer.

The bathroom was mercifully close, and Feyre barely had enough time to reach the toilet before her stomach rebelled. She retched, her body heaving with each wave of nausea. Tears pricked her eyes as her world spun, confusion filling her mind.

Elain, having followed her, grew more frantic.

"I will call someone, wait here, Feyre," Said Elain, worried.

 She rushed out, calling for help. Minutes later, a small group of fae came rushing into the bathroom, concern etched on their faces. They quickly determined that Feyre needed medical attention, but Feyre didn't agree, she just felt dizzy for a moment and that was it, however, the fae seemed to really want to take care of their High Lady.

As they tended to her, a realization slowly crept into Feyre's mind. Could it be? The undeniable connection between her and Rhysand, their love that had blossomed amidst thorns, had brought forth a tiny, precious life? That would be almost impossible, she heard about how hard it was for faes to have children, but what if?...

"Elain, I don't think I am sick," Feyre gasped.

Elain looked at Feyre in silence, and then after some seconds she answered. "I never thought you were."

☆ • ☆ • ☆

Days later, Feyre's suspicions were confirmed. Elain, with her newly acquired seer abilities, had shared her revelatory vision. Feyre was with child.

"I am so proud of you, sister," Elain smiled, she held Feyre's hands.

"I really can't believe this yet..." Feyre whispered in shock.

"Are you going to tell the others now?"

"Well, yes but, I also had an idea, and I will need some help," She decided, thinking about her mate, Rhys.

Elain seemed to understand what she meant, so she smiled again and gave Feyre the space she needed.

Ecstasy overwhelmed Feyre, making her heart swell with joy. She knew they were still recovering from the war, still healing from the wounds inflicted upon them, but within her body, a new beginning stirred.

Feyre decided that she wanted to surprise Rhysand with the news. She enlisted the help of her sisters and some close friends in concocting a plan. With whispered excitement, they devised the perfect surprise to reveal her pregnancy to her mate.

On the evening of the revelation, Feyre stood nervously on the balcony of their private quarters, overlooking the sprawling beauty of Velaris, the lights of the city and the stars never failed to impress her. Rhysand, draped in his usual darkness, approached her from behind, curiosity lighting his violet eyes.

She turned to face him, a playful smile dancing on her lips. "Rhys, darling, would you like to go on a little adventure with me tonight?"

His purple eyes narrowed with intrigue. "An adventure, hm?"

Feyre nodded, her heart racing within her chest. "Yes. Close your eyes and trust me."

With a kind smile, Rhysand shut his eyes obediently. Taking her chance, Feyre placed her hand gently over her stomach, cradling the life that grew within her. She had worried about how he would react, but the moment was finally here. The bond between them had done the impossible, transcending even their wildest dreams.

"Alright, open your eyes," Feyre whispered.

Rhysand's violet eyes fluttered open, widening as they took in the scene before him. Suspended in the air were hundreds of luminescent butterflies, their wings aglow with vibrant hues of blue, purple, and gold, her sisters helped Feyre make that new magic a few hours before Rhys arrived, besides paiting, Feyre never knew she could create something so beautiful. Paiting, glowing butterflies, and also... she looked at Rhysand's hand on her tummy before she looked back at the new magic she created with Elain and Nesta.

 They fluttered gently, casting whimsical shadows across the city, painting it with ethereal beauty.

He inhaled sharply, his gaze growing tender and awestruck, his eyes went to Feyre, he looked at his mate's tummy, her hand over his. "Feyre," he murmured, his voice laced with emotion. "Is this...?" His wings moved as he felt it throught their mating bond; he felt a different magic, a magic that didn't belong to them, but that was coming from Feyre.

Feyre beamed, her hand instinctively resting on her belly while his hand was still there. "Yes, Rhys. Our baby, our miracle. I'm pregnant."

Tears welled in his eyes as he took her into his arms, their bodies melding together as their elation poured forth. Rhysand showered Feyre with kisses, his voice filled with love and wonder. "Fly with me, Feyre," her mate whispered, his warm breath touched her long ears. "Fly with me over Velaris."

Together, they soared into the night sky, laughter and joy ringing through the air. Their love, strengthened by the revelation of new life, painted the heavens above Velaris, a testament to the boundless possibilities born from their hope even during those times of war, but it didn't matter, not that night, because they would protect who they loved, they would protect Velaris, and they would protect each other. And they knew that together, they would face every challenge, every thorn that dared to hurt their Court of Dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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