37. Flee

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"Are we going to jump 40000 feet down and land directly on top of her house like in the movies?"

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"Are we going to jump 40000 feet down and land directly on top of her house like in the movies?"

Namjoon saw Jungkook in amazement upon hearing his stupid idea.

"Do you have a death wish?" Jimin asked with a serious face.

The Maknae simply rolled his eyes.

"The plan remains unchanged. Did you both even hear anything that I said?"

"Ya ya...we are going to turn into gardeners and go inside her house. She will come to her garden etc, etc." Taehyung muttered.

"Yes! Exactly that's the plan."

"What if her father files a case against us?" Jungkook wondered.

"You don't have to worry about that she is coming with us willingly so nothing is going to happen." Namjoon made it clear.

"Ok," Jungkook sighed and slumped down on the seat.


"Are you sure this is going to work?" Jungkook asked Taehyung, who sat beside him in the van. As planned they disguised themselves as gardeners.

"Right now I am just hoping that we don't get caught."

"Why did we even agree to this?"

The elder eyed the Maknae, "Weren't you planning extortion?"

"Yes, but that's not the same as being a gardener in a foreign country. That has respect."

"Criminal activities have no respect, so can we just leave?"

After nearly a decade of deciding, both men drove the van to the front gate.

"Do we even look Indian?"

"Stop doubting yourself, guys, and get to work," Jimin yelled through the earpiece.

Jungkook immediately took it out, glared at it, and then put it back on his ears.

"Stop glaring at the earpiece," Jimin spoke again.

For a split second, the two boys look around, perplexed.

"Are you sure he is in the hotel with Namjoon?"

"Yes! Now let's go. I've been saying this for an hour. " Taehyung himself started the car.

Both the boys reached the huge gates and parked the vehicle in front of it and honked.

Two guards standing there approached them.

"Why are you guys here?" A tall dark man with a robust body and mustache asked.

His look was enough to scare these two brats.

"His mustache is speaking to me," Taehyung whispered under his breath to Jungkook.

*Ahem ahem* "We came for the gardening."  Jungkook finally spoke up.

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