Chapter Two: Shocks & Disappointments

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I said my goodbyes to everyone and then headed home. I reached the apartment and unlocked the door. I needed to have a shower and get changed, and then Evan was going to meet me at the restaurant as he was going there straight from work.

I found a nice smart casual dress to wear and then did my hair and make-up. It was now 6:15, by the time I get there it would be 6:30 which was the time we had our reservations.

I arrived at the restaurant and headed inside. The waiter showed me to my seat and then I began waiting for Evan.

It was now 6:55 and he still wasn’t here! I figured he must be stuck in traffic or something; it can get pretty bad here in LA. So to fill in time I decided to go on twitter.

I looked in my mentions and saw this:

“@rikerR5: pretty epic water fight today with @rockyR5 @rydelR5 @rossR5 @rylandR5 & @MaddieJR5. #goodtimes”

I retweeted it and replied with “@MaddieJR5: @rikerR5 true, true. But we both know I was the winner ;)” Which lead to a little twitter war between us on who really won? We never resolved this issue.

I had been so distracted by twitter that I didn’t even realise what time it was. 7:28. I was beginning to get worried. If Evan couldn’t make it, he would have let me know. I decided to call him. No answer. This happened when I tried the next 3 times too. I decided to go to his work to see if anyone knew where he was.

I walked into his office. Most of the lights were off but the light on Evan’s desk was just dimmed.

“Hello? Evan?” I called.

I heard quiet whispering then saw Evan walk over with his assistant, Renee.

“Maddie, what are you doing here? Oh shoot! I am so sorry! I forgot about our date! Renee and I were working on the business proposal for Monday morning”

“Oh, I just got worried about you when you didn’t call.”

“Sorry, it’s just this business deal is huge! If we don’t get it, it’ll be a huge letdown to the team.”

“I understand, I’ll go home, see you when you come home.”

I gave him a quick peck on the lips and left the building. I’m not going to lie, I was really disappointed.  I could have had dinner with my parents and the Lynch’s. I decided to stop by their house on the way home.

I went inside and saw my parents and Stormie and Mark in the lounge.

We had a short conversation and then they informed me that everyone was at Ross’ apartment. So that’s where I went. I opened the door to Ross’ apartment and was instantly greeted. I explained everything that happened and they were really sympathetic and tried cheering me up. Not that I was really sad, I was just disappointed. Work was starting to become Evan’s first priority. I know he really wanted a promotion but he was becoming a workaholic. I had cancelled numerous meetings, interviews and book signings for him.

Anyway, we all decided to watch a movie to fill in some time. Since it was Ross’ turn to pick, of course we ended up watching ‘Romeo and Juliet’. I didn’t mind though, I actually loved the movie too. Throughout most of the movie Ross and I would quote all of the lines while everyone else just sat and watched. By the end of the movie, Ross and I were the only ones awake. I looked at my phone and noticed it was 10:23. Evan was probably home by now, so I said goodbye to Ross and went back to the apartment that I shared with Evan. I opened the door and looked around. The kitchen light was on so he must be home. I wonder where he is. It didn’t take long for me to find him; he was asleep on the couch. I went and kissed his cheek, trying not to wake him up which failed because he soon opened his eyes.

“Oh hey beautiful”

“Hey, what were you doing asleep on the couch?”

“I must’ve fallen asleep waiting for you.”

“Oh I’m sorry, I was watching a movie at Ross’ place and didn’t realise how late it was.”

“Oh you were there. Well I felt really bad about missing our date, so I brought us some desert to share”

He pulled out a box which had a wide slice of chocolate mud cake on it. My favourite!

“Aw that’s so sweet of you!”

“So am I forgiven?”

“Of course! I can’t stay mad at you”

And with that he pulled me into a long passionate kiss. We then enjoyed that delicious slice of cake!

The next morning I woke up in the bedroom, in the arms of Evan. He must’ve carried me in here last night. Aw, he’s so sweet. I turned around to face him and noticed he was already awake.

“Morning.” You could tell from my voice that I was still tired.

“Morning gorgeous” The way he complimented me always made me smile.  

“I don’t want to get up, but I have to finish the work on the business deal.”

“On a Sunday? But I’ll be leaving for tour soon and I won’t be able to see you.”

“I’ll try and get out of it, but I’m not making any promises.”

“No, it’s okay. It’s your job; I know you really want this promotion.”

“No, you’re right. I need to spend as much time with my girl before she leaves. I’ll go call my boss now.”

“Okay, I’m going to have a shower.”

While I was in the shower I heard Evan yell out that he was going to us some coffee. I quickly put on some clothes and then had a reality check. I was going on tour in a few days and hadn’t even begun packing! I went into the closet and got out my suitcase. As I was pulling it down, a small ring box fell. It couldn’t be what I thought it was? Could it? I loved Evan, but I was definitely not ready to marry him. I quickly placed it back on the shelf in the closet and tried to get it off my mind. I packed about half of my clothes and realised that Evan wasn’t back yet. I checked my phone and realised that I had a text from him:

Evan: Hey Maddie, sorry the boss called me in for a meeting. Hopefully it won’t take long and then I can spend the rest of the day with you. Love you xx

I replied:

Maddie: It’s okay Evan, I understand. I might ask Rydel if she wants to get some breakfast then. Love you too xx

I then called Rydel to see if she wanted to get something to eat. I really needed some advice about the ring. She said she’d love too so I headed off to the ‘Breakfast Bar’.

I saw her at a table outside so I went to join her.

“Hey, you sounded kind of nervous on the phone, what’s up?” Rydel always got straight to the point with gossip.

“I found an engagement ring in the closet.”

“What!? You’re getting married!!”

“Shh, no I just found the ring. I don’t know if I’m ready to marry Evan yet.”

“Well if he hasn’t said anything about it yet, just forget about it until he does. Maybe he just thought it was the perfect ring and is just saving it for when you both are ready?”

“I guess. Thanks Rydel. Now we have other important issues to discuss...”

Will Evan ask Maddie to marry him? Is the ring even for her? And what is this ‘important issue’ that Rydel and Maddie have to discuss? What do you think? Chapter three will be posted soon!

(A/N @MaddieJR5 is not actually someone’s Twitter at the time of me writing this. Either next chapter or the one after that will be the start of the tour. I just wanted to describe the character's lives first. Thanks for reading! Don’t forget to share, vote and comment on what you think of the story so far!)

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