Lmaoooo L Ratio

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Tee hee guys 🤪

So I did an oopsie. And by oopsie I mean that I completely forgot about this entire story and lost passion for it. Plus I've also had a crazy year.

I got into, theater, got a boyfriend, almost failed a few classes, ended my 2 year friendship with my best friend, had my quinceañera, got into new shows and stuff, came up with a lot of different story ideas, continued working on this story just not posting it, and dealt with a lot of my own emotional issues.

Something that I realized is that I shouldn't write about stuff that I don't know about. That includes Tourette syndrome. I had very little knowledge and because of that, I had very wrong information and portrayed it in an incorrect way in this story. I sincerely apologize and I still want to continue writing, just have (Y/N) not have tourettes as it's something I shouldn't write about with little to no knowledge.

If some of you really want (Y/N) to continue having Tourette's then I can try learning more and come back with a better representation. But until then, I will start rewriting this story to no longer have (Y/N) have a disability.

Thank you for waiting and understanding. I'm very sorry for everything. I hope you all continue reading even after the changes.

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