In Joo

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I see their eyes everywhere. I see them in my dreams. They become small nightmares filled with memories if I look too long. Then I wake up and they're still there. I walk on the street with my eyes on the ground so I don't see their stinging frowns.

They whisper lies. But what stabs the most is the truth that some whisper.

There she goes. It's her. It's the woman who brought about an uprising during the elections.

Did you not hear? She worked alongside her sister to bring down one of the richest families in the country!

I hear she was going to listen to that con artist and run away with the 70 billion won!

All of that is true. Some wonder who started the uprising. My sister had already been investigating the sudden deaths in the city that were kept silent but at the same time, I was fooled by him.

I always wondered what the life of my dreams would be like. I always imagined being rich. I didn't need to revise my monthly financial plans just for a pair of shoes. I saw myself walking among walls of crystal and walking on marble with diamond earrings resonating with the clacking of my shiny high heels.

I actually achieved all of this but to what extent? My happiness was not found through the money I was given. I was so close to grasping it, too. I can almost remember how those dollar bills felt in my hands.

But I suffered more with money than I ever did in my poor life. I learned to see true happiness around me. It was always there, but my greedy heart deceived me and it almost took my baby sister with it.

If it weren't for In-kyung...I'd either be dead or in prison.

Now, those dreams have been pushed away. They're buried deep down where I've hidden all my worst nightmares. But there are nights that they try to creep back. Those devious smiles. Those dull eyes shining only for vengeance and torture. His touch turning cold...

I wake up with a start. My heart races like it used to. I put a hand on my chest and run a tired hand through my hair.

I may have lost my dreams but what's next? What now? There is just a cold empty space where my dreams used to be. What will come next?

Maybe I'm too afraid to think of it. My last dream almost got us all killed. I'd rather silence my heart or ignore it.

"Another nightmare?"

I look up from our mother's bed and see In-kyung leaning against the old gray doorframe. She gives me her small smile that tries to hide her worry behind her dark brown eyes.

"Good morning," I say with a yawn. "I'm okay. It wasn't as bad as the other night."

She does a nod and starts to walk back to our small kitchen. She only takes a few steps and she's at the dinner table. I can see her from my bed and smile. She's reading something. She's always reading something with those dark eyes filled with curiosity and determination. She's grown up so much. I think we've all grown one way or another.

After quickly washing my teeth, I walk into the kitchen while stretching my arms. In-kyung briefly looks up with a tight smile and quietly goes back to her book. I peek at the cover from afar and scoff. I've seen that book. Only people with library cards read that book.

"Where did you get that book?"

"I didn't steal it."

"I never said you did."

"Just in case you assume."

"Me? Assume?"

She looks up and we glare at each other as I cross my arms on my chest. Then we let out a giggling scoff together. And just like that, the room isn't so heavy and humid anymore.

The World Inside Our Dreams: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now