In Kyung

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I know I shouldn't lie to my sister. She gets really mad when I lie to hide something from her. But this time I couldn't help it.

She thinks I've talked to Jongho about us going to his city. The city of Los Angeles, California. It sounds so fancy already. I listen to him tell me about his excitement about his new job. He got a position at a fancy hotel as their sous chef. I proudly smiled at his story of how his interview went and his demonstration test.

"I was so terrified, In-kyung. I didn't think I was going to get it."

"Why would you think that? You're an amazing cook."

"Yes, but this is top-notch cooking. I never thought I'd get into something like this. Oh, if only you were here to see how happy my grandfather was. He even got up from bed to give me a hug."

I will be there soon to watch him put on his uniform for the first time. But I can't seem to find the words to say it. They're stuck in my throat and it's suffocating.

I hear him do a soft sigh and say, "How are you, In-kyung? How's work? Your birthday is coming up this weekend. What will you be doing?"

I hesitate. How do I say this? My heart is as fearful as it is excited to see him again. I'm even more scared to hear his reaction when I say, "I'll be on a plane on my way to the States."

There it is. I said it. There's a surprised silence on the other end of the phone. Jongho does a scoff of disbelief that makes my heart start to break. "Are you kidding? Is this one of your jokes meant to scare me?"

"Why?" I carefully ask. "If it were true, would it be an inconvenience for you and your grandfather?"

"Inconvenience?!" He does another surprised scoff. "What do you mean, In-kyung? It'd be the most amazing news I've heard this whole week! Wait. Are you kidding? Don't do this to my heart, In-kyung."

And just like that, everything makes sense. Every single doubt of leaving this country disappears when I hear him do an excited laugh. I can't wait to see him. I can't wait to feel his embrace. I can't wait to look into those soft eyes creating the warmth my heart craves for.

The day comes to leave. My birthday. Now I see it as the best present I'll ever have. I came back home late one last time. Ms. Lee let us borrow some of her suitcases for our trip. I told her that we might not be able to return them. She warmly waved my words away and said, "It's okay. Consider it a birthday present."

"Thank you."

I started to roll some of them out to the taxi waiting for me outside and she followed close behind. Just as I was ready to finally say my last goodbye, Ms. Lee softly said, "I'm guessing you have a one-way ticket to the States..."

I stopped myself from getting in the taxi and looked at the only person who has shown sadness about my departure. I will miss her, too. We've only been friends for a few months, but it feels like we've known each other for years.

I went to give her a hug and she stayed in my embrace for a moment. I softly said, "Thank you for everything you're doing. Someday...I will repay your kindness. I promise."

"I should be thanking you." She pulled away so I could see her watery eyes as she smiled. "You saved my mother's life. Thanks to the position you gave me, I was able to buy her new medicine. I am in debt to you and I promise I will do my very best for your aunt's company."

I gave her one last hug. My heart soared knowing how my crazy decision has impacted at least one person for the good. I think of her words as we wait in the airport. In-hye comes back from looking at a map and gives us a hint of an excited smile. She sits by me and says, "I have a present for you, unnie."

"Another one?" I playfully say. This morning, they both made me one last breakfast in our old home. It must have been the largest breakfast we've ever had.

She happily nods and takes out a piece of paper. On it is a beautiful drawing of the home we left behind. I swallow back tears and I know that In-joo is doing the same as she looks at the picture in silence.

Before stepping out, I looked back at our home. The home we all grew up in. The home where we watched our parents leave. The home we could hide in. The home where we cried in and laughed in. Our small home that let us look at the millions of city lights at night. A home where we could see the sunrise and sunset.

I give In-hye a sweet smile. It's the home where I fell in love with the littlest girl that came as surprise to us. She's all grown up now as I hold her cheek. "Thank you, my sweetie. It's so beautiful."

"Are you sad that we're leaving the country possibly forever?"

I gave her a tight smile so tears don't fall out. I shake my head at her and put an arm around both of my sisters. In-joo does a surprised chuckle with In-hye as I say, "How could I be sad? Home wasn't that old rooftop. Home has always been you two. I'm never scared when I know I have you two by my side."

"Then let me rephrase the question," In-hye says as she pulls away from my hug. Her eyes shine with the rare sight of tease. "Are you excited to leave the country because you get to see Jongho?"

In-joo covers her mouth as a small laugh escapes her lips. I slap In-hye's arm with my ticket and she smiles even wider. "You little rascal. You have no respect whatsoever!"

"You haven't answered the question," In-joo quietly says by my side. My eyes grow wide as I turn to look at her.

"You, too?!"

"It's just a simple question," she says with a small smirk. I click my tongue in annoyance at her and look back at the time.

"I'm guessing we'll know the answer when we get there," In-hye quietly says and I run a playful hand through her hair.

I have to admit. I'm excited. Not only to see Jongho, but to travel for the first time. In-joo was telling us that the beginning and the ending of a plane ride are a bit scary. I was worried for In-hye when the plane started to take off, but I should've been worried about myself instead. They both watched me with surprise as I held on tight to the handles of my seat. In-hye did a small chuckle and In-joo reached over to take my hand. I opened my eyes and let my heart relax at the sight of her reassuring look.

After about eleven hours, I was begging for the ground. My stomach was not doing so well and my head was spinning. In-hye was surprised when I came back from throwing up in the bathroom. She gave me her water bottle and said, "Unnie, are you the only one that hasn't traveled?"

"You've been on a plane?!"

"Once with Hyorim," she said. "We even went on a big boat."

I rolled my eyes at her and it made her giggle. "You brats..."

At last, we arrived to the States. In-hye and I tried to peek at the sight coming from In-joo's window. We all looked at this foreign land with awe. Excitement and fear made me forget my upset stomach and it made the hassle to get off the plane end quickly. Though we were quiet, I knew we all had the same awe on our faces as we walked into the enormous airport. I owe Jongho another one for buying the tickets for us even though I insisted not to. He truly did choose quite the welcome.

As we find our luggage and carefully hold onto In-hye's small canvases, we patiently wait to go down the electrical stairs. People from all over the world of all shapes and colors surround us.

This has to be a dream.

I wake up from my dream the moment my eyes find his. My heart melts and the world grows silent. He stands before us with that soft smile of his.

I let my new beginning come up to me. I no longer have to hide. Shame and guilt don't have the chance to whisper memories to me because I meet with my new life. So I give Jongho a tight hug.

The World Inside Our Dreams: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now