Best Man

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"Hey, Hades." Thanatos said as he walked into Hades' throne room; the Lord of the Dead was sitting on his throne and looking over about a dozen lists. "Uh... whatcha doing?"

"Trying to pick a good venue for the wedding." Hades replied, not looking up from the papers.

"Ah. Need any help?"

"I appreciate the offer, Thanatos, but I can handle it."

"You sure about that?"

"Actually..." Hades then threw the papers into the air in frustration and got up from his throne. "I'm clueless! I have no idea which place to choose! There are so many places, how will I know which one is the right one?" He sighed and leaned on his map table. "I just want it to be perfect, you know?"

Thanatos put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "Hey, I get it. What do you say we look at these venues together and try to narrow it down?"

Hades paused and turned his head to glance back at his friend. He sighed, knowing that what he said was a very good suggestion. "Okay."

The two Gods picked up the dropped documents, set them on the table, and looked through them together. But as they read, Hades paused and cleared his throat.

"You know, Thanatos... I'm glad you're here. Because there's something I wanted to talk to you about." He said.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" Thanatos asked, turning his head to face him.

"Uh... you know that whole groomsmen and best man thing? Where the groom's closest friends or family stand with him up at the altar? Like brothers or something?"

"Yeah, I know about that."

"Okay. And you already know my own relationship with my brothers has been rocky ever since I was born, right?"

"I'm aware of that, yes. Wait... where are you going with this?"

They stood straight and Hades sighed.

"Look, what I mean is... I feel like I need a best man and neither Zeus nor Poseidon qualifies for this job, so..." He smirked.

Thanatos finally caught on to what his friend was saying and he let out a silent gasp. "You mean...?"

"Yeah. If I know one thing about life, is that it's full of laughing, tears, and everything in between... and there's only a handful of people who've been with me through it all. Thanatos, you are one of my best friends and you're like another brother to me. So I wanted to ask you... if you would be my best man." He gave him a hopeful look.

"Me? Your best man?"

"Well... yeah, of course. I honestly can't think anyone more perfect for the job than you. So what do you say? Would you do it?"

"...Are you kidding?! YES! Definitely, absolutely!"

The two Gods shared a hug before doing their special handshake. Thanatos then had a thought.

"...You already picked a venue for the wedding, didn't you?" He asked.

"You caught me. I was just hoping you'd show up so I would ask you." Hades answered with a smirk.

"Figured. I'm guessing you want it down here? By the Waterfall Styx?"

"Yep. Maleficent and I both like a dark and gloomy atmosphere and the Underworld is already that multiplied by ten, so why not?"

"...Great choice."

They gripped each other's hands and shared a grin.

"Death bros for eternity?" Hades asked.

"Death bros for eternity." Thanatos replied.

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