Choosing the Perfect Cake

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"Okay, ladies! I hope you're hungry because Olympus just sent us three different wedding cakes to sample." Hera said as she, Dementia, and Maleficent stood in the castle kitchen. They were standing in front of the counter where three large covered platters stood in a row; they were the cakes the Gods had sent for the trio to sample.

"Thanks again for allowing me to help you guys. I LOVE cake." Dementia said.

"Of course, Dementia. I have a feeling we're going to need all the help we can get for this." Hera replied.

"It's official. Cake day is the best day EVER!" The little purple imp cheered, licking her lips.

"Perhaps... until the day I see my wedding dress." Maleficent slyly glanced at Hera, who giggled in response.

"Easy, ghoul. You'll have to speak with Nyx about that; you know she's in charge of the dresses, not me." She handed each of her companions a fork and took one for herself. "But right now, we have work to do."

"Enough talk! Let's do this!" Dementia shouted, eager to get started.

She flew over to the first platter and removed the cover to reveal a three-layered cake covered in swamp green frosting and decorated with yellowish green icing. But the thing that really stood out about this cake was the fake dragon breathing fire taking up almost half of the whole cake; this dragon looked almost exactly like Maleficent's dragon form. The trio stared at it with confused looks.

"Uh... is that supposed to be you?" Dementia asked.

"...Definitely a little over extravagant." Maleficent said.

"And there's no Hades." Hera chimed in.

"But it could be delicious." The imp said.

"Let's see." The Queen of the Gods said before she and her companions each took a bite, only for all of them to spit it out in disgust. "Oh Gods! Something terrible is happening in my mouth! This tastes like rotten fruit mixed with swamp algae and grass clippings!"

"Eugh, gross! I can't get this taste off my tongue!" Dementia shrieked, trying to wipe away the awful flavor.

"Who even MADE this?" Maleficent asked, trying not to gag. She took the card that was sitting next to it and read the back. "Black licorice fruitcake with green tea matcha? Made by... Demeter?" She groaned in frustration as she dropped the card. "Hera, she may be your sister and the Goddess of Agriculture and the Harvest, but it's painfully obvious that baking is NOT one of Demeter's strong points."

"No kidding." Dementia said.

"Very good point. I'm pretty sure Cerberus can make a better cake and he's a giant three-headed dog." Hera commented. "On to the next one?"

"Yes, please." The evil fairy replied.

"Hopefully this one won't taste as bad." Dementia said before she removed the cover of the second platter.

The cake underneath that one looked VERY strange; it looked like two busts of Hades and Maleficent lovingly gazing at one another on top of a rectangular sheet cake. Maleficent stared at the odd confection with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.

"...I'm not even going to ask." She said.

"Me neither." Hera added.

"But you did ask for Hades, and here he is." Dementia replied. "Let's just give it a taste and see for ourselves."

So they did and the second cake was so much better than the first one. All three of their faces instantly lit up as the delectable flavor of the cake swirled around in their mouths.

"Wow, delicious!" Hera exclaimed as she took the card next to it and read it. "Triple chocolate cake with whipped strawberry buttercream? Made by Aphrodite? I might faint!" She fanned herself with her hand.

"Oh, you have to try Maleficent's horns!" Dementia said. "They're coated in a hard dark chocolate shell, so it has a cool, tasty crunch when you bite."

"And you should sample Hades' hair." Maleficent chimed in. "Honey and sugar were combined and spun into wisps and colored blue with pureed blueberries; it practically melts in your mouth."

"I'm impressed; Aphrodite did a fantastic job here. This one will be hard to beat." Hera commented before Dementia removed the cover of the third platter.

The third cake was revealed to be a four-layered cake coated in black frosting and decorated with green icing, frosting roses in blue and purple on top, and the freshest, ripest, juiciest looking blackberries all around. Maleficent gasped and her face instantly lit up; she definitely liked what she was seeing.

"Ooh, not bad." Dementia said.

"Yes, I really like it." Hera added.

"I LOVE it." Maleficent beamed. "Blackberries are my favorite, and Hades and I even shared some together once."

Hera smiled. "Oh, I see. It's a sign."

"Then let us see how it tastes." Maleficent replied, holding up her fork.

They each took a bite and smiled dreamily; this cake tasted even better than the last one. In fact, it was unlike anything they had tasted before. Dementia took the card in front of it and read it aloud.

"Cloudberry cake with Zephyrian Vanilla and Midnight Blackberries. Made by Hestia." She said, turning to her companions.

"...This is the best one." They all said in unison.

"I have no idea what cloudberries are, but I want EVERYTHING to taste like them." The little imp said, dreamy-eyed.

"Ladies, I believe we have found the perfect cake." Maleficent proudly said.

"Agreed. We did it!" Hera replied.

"Now all that's left is my wedding dress."

"Like I said, talk to Nyx. That's her department." She turned back to the confections on the counter. "One last question, though... what are we gonna do with all of this cake?"

The evil fairy gave a sly smirk, cut out a bigger piece of cake, and held it out on a small plate. "Would anyone care for seconds?"

"Don't mind if I do!" Dementia said, snatching the plate from Maleficent and practically scarfing the whole slice down.

Hera laughed while Maleficent rolled her eyes.

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