Forget Me Not, PT.3 (HyunHo/MinChan)

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CW: angst, littlespace

~ A/N : comments are highly appreciated ~


It was another day at the Stray Kids dorms, and since Minho hadn't regressed immediately, Hyunjin had taken the opportunity to go out and go to this art exposition he had heard of and had been dreaming to go to. Before leaving, he had ensured that Chan wouldn't be busy for the day, in case Minho ended up being little. He wouldn't be happy if Chan was to abandon Minho again. And that was an understatement.

After asking Chan multiple times if he would indeed be staying at the dorms and would be free all day long, and having heard his leader answer him every single time that yes he would, Hyunjin left, still feeling a little anxious and unsure.

It had been a few weeks since Minho had last regressed, and although they had had only three free days during that time, the others were surprised that their Minho hadn't gone into his headspace, unlike Jeongin, who had been a little any time possible. So the others were waiting for that moment, hoping that Minho wasn't back into a dark place where he was drowning in dark thoughts.

But Minho was fine, truly. He wasn't in a bad place, wasn't feeling particularly stressed or unhappy, despite all the work they had to do, so he didn't feel the need to be little. Though he loved being in his headspace, loved being taken care of, the attention, the fussing, he just didn't feel like he needed or particularly deserved to be little right now. Not that he thought he had been bad or anything, but just that the others were tired as well, so he didn't think he deserved more rest than the others. He, of course, didn't tell the others how he felt, as he knew they would insist on him regressing, and Minho really didn't have the courage to listen to their fussing right now.

So here he was, on the couch, TV displaying a cartoon chosen by Jeongin who was curled into a bunch of fluffy blankets, fox plushie in his hands, his fingers fiddling with it, his eyes sparkling with excitement. It was raining outside, so there wasn't much to do; however the little was perfectly happy with being cosy while watching his favourite movie. Felix had been the one to make sure his little was comfortable and warm before leaving to have a shower and then make lunch. Minho had found him and had taken it upon himself to look after little Innie. The latter was nicely curled up to Minho and had placed the blanket over his hyung's lap.

Despite trying his best to ignore the cartoon currently playing, it was slowly starting to make Minho feel small, making his stomach twist with anxiety; and so, to prevent his headspace from taking over, he had taken his phone out and was scrolling through it, trying to not listen to the sound coming from the TV. Maybe he needed to regress in the end... But he didn't want to. He shook his head and cleared his throat before getting up from the couch.

In his hurry to leave the room, however, he forgot the blanket that was covering him, resulting in the fluffy duvet being pulled along with him, suddenly uncovering Jeongin who made a small noise of disapproval at first, then let out a scream of frustration when Minho wouldn't stop pulling. Minho froze in his tracks and turned around to face little Jeongin who was frowning and glaring at him, hands fisting the blanket as he tried to pull it back on him.

Seeing Jeongin in this state of frustration and incomprehension hit Minho hard; the boy hated causing his members any kind of discomfort, it made him stressed and he'd end up loathing himself for it, even when it wasn't even his fault. The situation had been a lot to handle already, with him being on the edge of regressing for almost an hour, and now this... Minho slipped instantly, heart dropping to his stomach when he realised he was the cause of Jeongin being upset.

Little Minho looked at the blanket entangled around his legs, then at Jeongin, before quickly scrambling to put it back on little Jeongin.

"Min sowwy!" The little exclaimed. "Min bad, Min sowwy!"

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