Baby come hold me - HyunHo Pt. 2

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Three days later, Minho still hasn't come to terms with the rejection he faced. He's still in love with Jisung and his heart won't stop hurting. He can't bring himself to avoid him. After years of his world evolving around Jisung, it just feels so unnatural to suddenly not talk to him or be next to him, flirt, hold his hand, touch him… Minho has no idea how to handle it. He wants to be Jisung’s friend and be close to him, but at the same time, it hurts too much.

But because Hyunjin is observant, he sees Minho's struggle and it pains him. He knows he can't talk to Jisung about it and he hesitates before going to Chan for help. He knows that if Minho learns about it, he'll probably end Hyunjin's life. But that's a risk Hyunjin is willing to take. He wants Minho to be happy.

So one day, he goes up to Chan. It's the evening and everyone went back to their dorms except Chan who's still in his studio, working. Taking a deep breath in and out, Hyunjin knocks on the door and waits for the signal to come in. When Chan allows him to enter, Hyunjin pushes the door open, steps inside the room and closes the door behind himself.

“Hyunjin, hey,” Chan says with a smile. He takes one side of his headphones off and turns his eyes back to the screen, finger clicking on the mouse. “Is something the matter?”

Hyunjin fidgets for a few seconds then steps closer to his leader. “Hyung,” he says. “I have something to tell you.”

At the grave tone, Chan frowns and turns around, pausing the music and taking off his headphones.

“You sound serious…”

“Well it is. Serious, that is.”

“Okay, I'm listening.”

“You know that time when you found Minho hyung and he was crying?”

“Yeah?” How can Chan forget that? He tried to confront Minho about it, but his questions were always avoided.

“Well, that was because- okay, you have to keep this to yourself, hyung, or Minho hyung will skin me alive,” Hyunjin says.

“Of course, don't worry.”

“Minho hyung confessed to Jisung.”

Chan’s eyes widen and then realisation hits him. He knows what Hyunjin is going to say.

“And Jisung rejected him. I don't know why exactly, he never told me,” Hyunjin continues. “But I can see now that Minho hyung is suffering, he's not doing well, and he loves Jisung too much to keep his distance. And I know Jisung also loves Minho hyung and can't avoid him as well.” Chan nods in understanding but keeps quiet. “I think this has to come from Jisung. Minho hyung is already heartbroken.”

“What do you mean?”

“Minho hyung won't heal if Jisung and him continue being this close,” Hyunjin explains. “What I'm trying to say is, could you talk to Jisung? Tell him to keep his distance from Minho hyung, because Minho hyung won't do it on his own.”

Chan stares at Hyunjin, a light frown on his face. “Jinnie… are you sure about this? Do you think this is best for Minho?” He asks.

“I’ve really thought about this, hyung,” Hyunjin replies. “Minho hyung won’t heal if he stays this close to Jisung, and after everything that happened, Jisung should be the one to distance himself. Minho hyung won’t manage to do that. Not on his own.”

Chan eyes Hyunjin for a moment before looking away, trying to process the younger’s words. Chan isn't stupid. He knows how Hyunjin feels about Minho. He noticed it, many times. The way Hyunjin looked at Minho, the way he'd giggle at whatever his hyung would say, the way he'd try to get his attention by teasing him, the way he'd blush when Minho complimented him. Chan saw everything. Which is why he was doubting his dongsaeng’s motives.

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