Weapons dad and road trip

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So the spear was made of enchanted silver. It was first made out of plain silver then I did an experiment.
I am a daughter of Zues so I can control lightning. Mwahahaha. So I held the almost finished spear in one hand and raised the other hand in the air. I was inside so this was a really bad idea.
Anyways... Lightning shot a hole in the ceiling. It went into the spear, but I flew back and hit a wall.
It didn't hurt when the lightning touched me, but it was a lot of force.
Three people screamed. Everyone else gasped.
"I'm ok! Project successful!" I yelled.
I got up and went to weapons and training.
I electrocuted a dummy. The electricity just shot from the spear and BLAM!
Flaming dummy.
After that I had my free time.
I went to the woods.
That's when Zues showed up. A cloud appeared and formed into my dad.
"Hello, Sasha." He said.
He was tall. Really tall.
"Hi." I squeaked.
"I saw you making your spear. May I see it." He asked.
I nodded and handed him the spear.
"Very nice. That electrical trick is very handy." He approved.
"I need you to go on a quest for me. It's more of a test. Go to San Fran Sisco. Get an apple of the Hesperides. The tree is guarded by Ladon the dragon. He will give you a great challenge. With the apple give immortality to this." He said as he handed me a flower.
"Spray the apple juice on it. Good-bye Sasha." He said.
Then he turned into a cloud and was gone.
I ran to Chiron and explained what happened. I thought he would say that I was crazy, but he believed me.
"Pick two people to go with you." He said.
Hmmm..... two people.
I didn't want to be the only girl, but they where the only two people I knew at camp.
I walked to the Hermes cabin, to get the Stolls.
I reached the cabin and knocked.
"Hello?" Said someone.
"Hi. Can I talk to the Conner and Travis, please?" I really wanted to say:
"Let me in I need to yack to someone."
"Ok, let me go get them for you." He ran to grab them.
The two twins came to the door.
"Wasup?" Conner said looking bored.
"Long story short: I have to get a golden apple and make this plant immortal. You two are the only people I know so your coming with me." I said.
They looked at each other for a moment before going crazy.
"Oh my gods! Finally a real quest!" Travis yelled.
And so we where off.
So how do we get to San Fran Sisco you ask.
That's right I have a drivers license.
We borrowed Hermes' Ups truck. Hehe.
So we would take turns driving.
I drove first. After an hour I needed a break. So I pulled off at a gas station. We also needed gas and food.
"Can you guys go get some food while I get gas?" I asked them.
"Sure, do you prefer credit or cash?" Travis asked.
Credit or cash?
He held something up.
It was my wallet.
"How- What?" I Was confused.
"Cash it is." Conner said.
Did they gang up on me?
Just as the car was filled up they came out.
About seven bags where in their hands.
"What did you people do? Raid the place?" I gave them a confused look.
"We haven't done anything illegal since yesterday." Conner was the one to speak.
I face palmed.
"Travis, its your turn to drive. Try not to kill us." I said before getting in the truck. I sat in the back with all the mail. Conner sat on a box.
"So...dose anyone want to hear a joke?" He asked.
A groan came from Travis.
"Taking that as a yes! A teacher tells the class 'Whoever answers my next question can go home.' Then a kid threw his bag out the window. 'Who threw that?' she asked.
'Me! I'm going home!' yelled a kid." He said.
"Har har. Now can we please talk about something else?" I was not amused.
"Fine. How was your life before this?"
Asked Conner.
"It was fine. My mom was awesome. I had a dog and a hamster. I lived in Ohio. We came to New York for vacation. I took a walk and you know the rest." That was the story of my life.
Right after I said that we hit a sharp turn in the road.
I was thrown across the truck and ended up under a bunch of mail.
Then the mail got really heavy.
"Sorry. Travis stop driving like a maniac! You could have killed us!" Conner yelled.
The pressure left and the mail was moved.
I spit my blonde hair out of my mouth. Then I got settled on the floor of the truck.
I found myself leaning against a stack of mail.
Then I found myself asleep.
I was shook awake. I was awake, but not wanting to get up. I may or may not have punched Travis.
"What the Hades was that for?!" He said.
I opened my eyes.
"It's your turn to drive. Conner's been driving since you fell asleep." He said.
We pulled off and I got in the drivers seat.
I drove for about 5 hours and then I almost died of boredom.
Then Conner and Travis started talking. Before we were in silence.
"Sasha, out of the two of us, who is the dumbest?" Conner asked.
I thought about it.
"Equally dumb." I said.
"Choose one." He said.
"Keep asking and it will be you." I was getting bored.
It was two in the morning. I had been driving for seven hours. I couldn't do this anymore. I pulled over and turned around in my seat.
"Hey guys wake up." I said to the brothers.
They where fitfully sleeping. Travis's head was stuck in a mail bag.
Conner was the first to get up.
"Wahhh." He groaned.
"Your turn to drive. Wake Travis up and go get some energy drinks. We are at a gas station, so obviously I'm getting gas." I informed him.
We got out of the car and started walking to the store.
"You look like a train wreck." He said.
"Oh I feel so loved." I speak fluent sarcasm.
He reached up and moved a pice on my hair from my face, his hand brushing my cheek.
My first instinct was to reach for my spear and kill him. Instead I flipped him over my shoulder. He was on his back, my finger was at his throat. Electricity sparked around it.
"Never do that without my permission." I said sharply.
Then I ran to the store, leaving Travis completely startled.

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