4.Regrets and The Outing

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(Krystal's POV)

As we eyed each other in an agonizingly slow way...I decided. I approached her,and kissed her. No,not like those sisterly kisses on cheeks. I mean one those really awkward kisses. Sica was like...wtf....and she stayed limp and unresponsive while I kissed her. Suddenly,she pushed me away and said,"This isn't right. You're my sister. I don't want to ruin your life."

So I just played it off casually,so I didn't look hurt and said,"Oh I was just experimenting something. Don't worry I don't like you. You're not my type. I bet no one likes you. Lol. XD "

"Yah...I'm attractive. Plus,I have a 'boyfriend' and 'he' loves me."she puffs her chest out in pride.

"Ewww.....gross Unnie. You're not a man. XD "

She has a boyfriend?!?! Awwww..........that sucks....oh well...

"Yah don't be mean to your Unnie!",she scolded.

I just stuck my tongue out at her. :P

Oh well...saves a later heartbreak...

"Well...night. I'm kind of tired. Call it a night?" I fake yawned sleepiness to avoid her.

"Mmk. Night brat." She said heading to her room.

I sighed in sadness as I left for my own room...

(Next Day)

"Morning." I said sleepily.

"Oh yeah...since we don't have any schedules tomorrow,wanna hang?" She asked a little sleepy.

"Oooooohh,you're using the big kid word. I thought you still asked your members if you wanted to play."
I teased and laughed at her embarrassed red face.

"Yah Soojung!"

"Fine fine fine. And yes. Where do you wanna 'hang'?"
I teased a little.

She glared at me a little before continuing,"I don't care. Is there anywhere you have in mind that you would like for us to go?"

I pretended to ponder for a bit,"Hmmmm.......not really..."

Muahahahaha..........I know the perfect place to go...*evil smirk*

"Should we go to the cinema or somewhere?"

"Nah...too unoriginal and paparazzi." I said with distaste for the media and public areas.

"Fine. Where should we go that's original?" She said crossing her arms while raising an eyebrow in question.

"I don't know...you're supposed to surprise me with your 'originality'." I said dead panned.

"...(-_-")......fine...I'll think of something...." She said her hands in her hair showing clear frustration yet hidden determination to please her little sister.

"Let's get into your car first. We'll think while we're driving around." I said heading towards her car.

"Fine..." She sighed in defeat.

(After a while)

"Hey I need some gas,so I'm going to stop at the gas station." She said while maneuvering into the gas station.

"Mmk." I said while spacing out.

(Few minutes later)

"Hey I'm done. Let's go."

"Wait. Let me drive unnie." I said as I climbed over to the driver's seat.

".....Can you even drive?" She said a bit worried for our lives.

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