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(Next morning)

(Krystal's POV)

I woke up to a bright day. Well not for me though. I had indigestion last night because I ate too much,so I couldn't sleep a wink. So yeah I'm extremely exhausted,and I have a to go to a photo shoot for Vogue. Such a pain in the butt. Well I should start freshening up for the photo shoot then. I got up and headed to the bathroom to do my business and all that. Later,I heard the front door open. It must be Sica. She's probably home from her sleep over. I headed downstairs and there she was.

"Hey Sica."I said nonchalantly.

"Hey Krys."she responded back,then she said,"Um I have to go soon to prepare for a concert tonight. I'll be leaving soon."

"Me too. I have to prepare for a photo shoot."I stated as I prepared to leave the house.

"Ok. Well...have fun...I guess."she said not sure what to say.

"Mm...Thanks."as I bent down to put on my shoes.

"Hey,umm,Krys."she asked unsurely.

"Yea?"I looked up at her.

"We should hang out sometimes for old times sake like how we used to do when we were small."she half-stated and half-asked nervously.

"Mmk. This weekend? Which is tomorrow."

"Sure."she replied happy.

"Ok. Well...see you."I said as I left the house.

(During the Photo Shoot)

I wonder what's up with her. Oh well,not like I'm unhappy about it. Even though I haven't sort out my feelings yet,I'm glad that she asked for us to hangout. It's true we've haven't had our sisterly bonding ever since she went under SM's wings. But now we can,and we both have a free schedule tomorrow. What should we do tomorrow?...

I thought as I posed for the camera.

30 Minutes Later...

"Ok people!!! We're done for today!!! Oh yeah and Krystal,"the photographer said as he looked at me.


"You did great today. Continue the hard work. People are expecting a lot from you.",he smiled.

"Thank you.",I replied.

I went out of the Vogue's company brach buildings and headed towards my car,a Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 Roadster White(personally one of my favorite cars. You guys should look it up. It's a real beauty. :D).

I decided to go attend my sister's group's concert,so I drove off to the location of her group's concert.

35 Minutes Later...

I went to the entrance of the concert place and looked at the guards. When they saw me,they immediately stepped aside for me to enter. I heard one of the guards whisper not-so-quietly,"OMG It's Krystal Jung!!!!" It's like,make way for the queen. Lol. Well,whatever it's always like this. I headed to the backstage of the concert and watched my Unnies(younger female refer to older female)dance and sing from there. My Unnies are all so pretty,but the most prettiest one is my Unnie,Jessica Jung. Suddenly I started feeling jealous,all the other Unnies spend time with her more than me. Well,they did live with her...but the thought of them doing intimate and affectionate things together made me want to barf. When I snapped out of my deep thoughts and searched for my Unnie,I saw her and Fany-Unnie making a heart shape with one of their arms and hugging with the other arm. I got so jealous,I wanted to go up there and hit her. I know that's cruel and all,but come on...I was jealous so cut me some slack. After the concert ended,I decided to tease my Unnie by scaring the dolphin screams out of her. Kekeke...I'm such a bad dongsaengie(younger sibling). :P
I heard my Unnie and the other Unnies approach. You ask how? Well,they talk really loud that's how. Mostly Fany-Unnie.
"Hey Sica-yah,calm your tits down it's only your little sis.",Taeyeon says while laughing with the other members.

"You're...........................such a...........scaredy............cat.",Tiffany laughed while trying to talk. Which was a total complete failure. No offense to her,but yeah...epic fail. :P

Then Sica started pouted at the comments directed towards her and was very embarrassed.

".........YAH!!!!!!!!SOOJUNGIE!!!!!!!HOW DARE YOU-",Jessica said before she was cut off suddenly by this 'Soojungie' person.

"Stop screaming Sica. You're going to destroy my ears.",I said with a please-stop-screaming deadpanned look.

"YAH!!!You little punk. I'm going to hurt you later.",My sister said to me while glaring daggers at me. However sadly for her,I paid no heed to her death glares and was pretending to busily talking to my other Unnies about random stuff. (Poor Sica. XD)

After talking and laughing together for a while and going to a dinner party hosted by none other by my sister's leader,Taeyeon. After 3 hours of wreaking havoc on the poor store,me and Sica decided to call it a night and said night to all the other members. We headed towards my car since Sica was picked up by the company car this morning,so she didn't bring her own car. Logic people. Logic. Oh well,not like I mind. After arriving home,we were both exhausted from our own schedules and the afterwards dinner party thrown by Taeyeon-Unnie. I went to the washroom to prepare for sleep. I first cleaned off all my makeup and accessories. Suddenly while I was changing my cloth,Sica bursts in scares the heebie-jeebies out of me by wrapping herself around my naked figure. At first,I was just scared but paid no heed to being naked. Slowly I started realizing that I was naked and her hands were on my chest...specifically my breasts...I feel like I got my virginity taken...


"Ouch. That's one powerful vocal you got there.",Sica said as she 'mockingly' winched slightly. After a moment of silence,she finally realized why I was angry. Then she pushed herself away from my naked figure. When she did that,I felt sad because I missed her contact and warmth on my skin. Then she blushed while stuttering,"OMG I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were naked. OMG. OMG..." Then she stopped to catch her breath, and we stayed in awkward silence. We both didn't make a move or leave. We just stood there. In awkward silence. Then,I started contemplating what should I do in my mind. Then I thought of something. But it was the sh*ttiest idea ever. Mostly crazy. Lol.
Should I do it?
Should I not?
Should I do it?
Should I not?
Should I do it?
I'm going to do it.
Oh shit,I haven't thought this out through.
Gosh,I think I'm going coo-coo...
Ok Krystal.
Calm Down.
Just do it.
Here goes nothing...
Oh wait,I'm not going to do it...
Ok,fine I will...
Or not...
"JUST DO IT"My mind screamed.
Fine,fine,fine. I'll do it.
Ok people,no regrets...
No regrets...
I'm totally gonna regret this...TT_TT
"OMFG SOOJUNG"my mind raged.

So kiddos what do you think she's going to do? Tbh,even I don't know what she's going to do. XD I want you guys to comment and give me some suggestions on what Krys is going to do to Sica. It's alright if you can't,I find commenting also pretty much time wasting,but if you guys can that would be awesome. Also,aren't you guys happy that I updated faster than the last chapter. XD Mianhe. Also,sorry for the shorter update. Who knows when I'll update the next chapter. Well,see you next time. :3


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