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*God and Angel having a conversation after creating JenChuLiChaeng*

Angel: God! I am finished with the making of those four girls as you asked.
God: Very well. Let's hear what all you have added.
Angel: Everything is set to maximum perfection as you requested. Talent, Visuals, Character, Personality, Gayness, Compassion for--
God: Woah, woah, woah! Wait. Gayness? I don't remember saying that.
Angel: Yes, you did. You told me to make them queer.
God: I told you to make them sheer.
Angel: Queer.
God: Sheer.
Angel: Queer.
God: Sheer.
God: So, you like--
Angel: Yeah.
God: Made them--
Angel: Totally.
God: *sigh* The Gays are gonna be at it, aren't they?
Angle: Yeah.
God: Shit.

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