New House

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*JenChuChaeng goes out living the house with Lisa*

Jisoo: *using her magic powers* I have a bad feeling about this.

*Later that day, Lisa texts them a location and ask them to go there*

*When they arrive, they are greeted by Lisa*

Chaeyoung: Lisa, what is this place?
Lisa: *yelling* SURPRISE!!! This is our new home.
Jennie: What!? What do you mean?
Lisa: *ignoring the question* It's more spacious.
Jisoo: Lisa, what happened to the old house?
Lisa: *still ignoring* It even has a pool.
JenChuChaeng: LISA!!
Lisa: *gulps*
Jennie: What happened to our old house?
Lisa: It needs slight renovation.
Jisoo: Why?
Lisa: I wanted to cook dinner for us.
Chaeyoung: *gasps* You burnt the house down.
Lisa: *nodds* Slightly.

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