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*Jennie is arguing with Lisa*

Jennie: You Cheater, Go away. I don't wanna see you.
Lisa: Baby, what are you saying? I didn't cheat on you.

*Chaesoo comes in*

Jisoo: Hey, why are you guys fighting?
Chaeyoung: It can be heard on streets.
Jennie: Don't talk to me, Chaeng. I am mad at both of you for doing this to me.
Jisoo: What are you talking about?
Jennie: Lisa cheated on me. With Cheang.
Jisoo: WHAT!? *to Chaeyoung* What am I hearing?
Chaeyoung: Babe, I swear, I did not. *to Jennie* Unnie, where did you even get that shit?
Jisoo: I--
Lisa: Okay, guys. Stop. *to Jisoo* Unnie, no one cheated, okay. *to Jennie* And Babe, stop this already, I said way too many sorrys for cheating on you with someone else on your DREAM.
Jennie: *pouting* I am sorry for yelling at you, Baby. I just can't stand the thought of anything that will lead us not being together.
Lisa: *hugs her* I will never cheat on you, Baby. I am so much in love you for me to do that.
Jennie: *giggling*
Lisa: *picks her up and go to their room*
Chaeyoung: Do we not exist now?
Jisoo: *still too stunned to speak*

//It's shit. I know.🤭🤭

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