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*imagine Jennie and Lisa are dating but didn't have their first kiss yet*

*JenChuChaeng sitting in the living room*
Jennie: Unnie, I don't know what the problem is, but Lisa just wouldn't kiss me.
Jisoo: What!? After all the things you do, you haven't kissed yet?
Chaeyoung: It's hard to believe, Unnie.
Jennie: I mean, we always cuddle. She kisses me on my cheeks, forehead and hands, but not on lips. I tired a few times, but she just won't let me.
Jisoo: Just ask her what the problem is.
Chaeyoung: Yeah. Be open, Unnie.

*Lisa comes in*

Lisa: Hey! What are you guys talking about?
Jennie: *serious* We need to talk, Manoban.
Lisa: *surprised at Jennie's serious tone* O-Okay. *goes and sit beside Jennie*
Chaesoo: We better go.
Jennie: No. Stay.
Lisa: *confused* What is it, Baby?
Jennie: Don't "baby" me. Tell me, Lisa, why don't you kiss me on lips? Don't you wanna kiss me at all!?
Lisa: *surprised at the sudden question*
Jennie: *angry face* Just tell me what is it.
Lisa: *slowly pulls Jennie to sit on her lap*
Jennie: *calms down a bit*
Lisa: *hold Jennie's face to make her look in her eyes* Baby, Nini, it's not that I don't wanna kiss you. But, there's only one place I'd like to kiss you.
Jennie: *confused* One!? Where? My lips?
Lisa: *smiles* No.
Jennie: Neck?
Lisa: No.
Jennie: Cheeks?
Lisa: Nope.
Jennie: Forehead?
Lisa: *shakes her head no*
Jennie: *thinks about something* Ah! You pervert. *throws slight punches on Lisa's chest*
Lisa: *holds Jennie's wrists* What are you thinking!! NO.
Jennie: *annoyed* Then where?
Lisa: *smiles* In front of our family and friends, in an altar. When we both say, "I do".
Jennie: *blushed furiously*
Lisa: *hugs her* I love you so much. I am sorry if I made you worry. But I meant what I said.
Jennie: *teary eyed* *snuggles to Lisa's neck*
Lisa: *smiles*

Chaeyoung: *cracking up* That's so sweet. Unlike someone here. *frowns*
Jisoo: Thanks, guys. I will be sleeping on couch Today.

//It's lame. I know.🙈😅

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