Love More (2)

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*Jenlisa as Parents*

*Lisa is playing with their Kid in the living room and Jennie is nowhere to be found*

Kid: Mama, who do you love more? Me or Mommy?
Jennie: *comes in, but stops and listen to their conversation*
Lisa: Of course, your Mommy. *said in an instant*
Kid: Huh!? Not me? Then, don't talk to me and no more kisses for you. *turn around*
Lisa: *smiles and pick up their Kid to sit on her lap* Sweetie, who do you love more? Me or your doll? *points to the doll in the Kid's hand*
Kid: My doll. *angry face*
Lisa: Why?
Kid: Because you guys gifted it to me, duh!
Lisa: Exactly. Do you know what was the greatest gift someone ever give me?
Kid: Huh?
Lisa: It's you. And who gave that to me? Your Mommy.
Kid: *stares at Lisa with smile*
Jennie: *still listening with teary eyes*
Lisa: *continues* And do you know what all she had to go through for that? The process, the pain. She endured a lot to give you to me. And she still struggles a lot with her two kids. *chuckles* So, it's fair that I love her more, right?
Kid: *nods excitedly* Yes. *snuggles to Lisa's neck, kisses her cheek*
Lisa: *smiles as a tear escape her eyes, hugs*
Kid: Mama, do you know something?
Lisa: *pulls the hug* What?
Kid: I also love Mommy more. *gets off of her lap and run upstairs*
Lisa: Hey!!!!! *smiles, shake her head*
Jennie: *smiles as if she can't be anymore happy* *wipe her tears and go inside to join Lisa as if nothing happened*

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