A Little Problem

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Down in the Underworld, the many guests had started to arrive. There were not only the Gods and Goddesses from Olympus showing up, but there were also deities from other Pantheons of Gods around the world, some Gods Hades himself was actually good friends with. Rhea, who was wearing a lovely orchid and magenta gown, was standing at the dock and greeting guests as they climbed out of the ferry and followed the marked path that would lead them to the venue.

"Why hello. Welcome. Right this way." She said as pleasantly as possible. She then started scanning the area for any sign of Pain and Panic; they were supposed to be doing this job, not her. "Ugh, where are they?"

"Isn't someone else supposed to do this job?" Charon asked.

"Yes, but I have no idea where they went." Rhea replied.

"Hey, come here!" A voice shouted followed by loud cawing.

She turned in the direction of the sound to see three figures flying towards the dock; it was Pain and Panic flying over the River Styx and chasing Diablo. The impish duo was shouting at the bird, telling him to stop and come back, but Diablo wouldn't listen and he kept on flying. They were so fast that they flew right over Rhea and Charon's heads and out of sight.

"Why you little, come back here!" Panic shouted.

"Get over here, you stupid bird!" Pain yelled.

"...Found them." Charon said; Rhea rolled her eyes in response before following after the imps.

Up in his room, Hades was standing in front of his mirror and admiring his reflection; he was wearing a floor-length black chiton with a royal blue flame pattern lining the bottom, a leather belt in various shades of blue with chain accents around his waist, metal bracelet cuffs on his wrists, and his Ember of Blue. He gave a proud smile as Thanatos and Erebus walked in; they were also wearing custom made garments for the occasion.

"Wow! Looking good, Hades." Thanatos said as the two Gods went over to their friend.

"Indeed." Erebus chimed in as he grabbed something that was hanging from a hook on the wall. He walked over to Hades and placed it over his head; it was a long, midnight blue cape with two skull shaped pins on each shoulder accented with silvery chains. "I can hardly believe it. The Lord of the Dead is finally getting married. You aren't nervous, are you?"

"What? Me? No! No way! Absolutely not! ...Well... okay, maybe a little." Hades said, looking a bit embarrassed. "I still remember the day she and I first met; it feels like it was just yesterday. And look at us now, about to be husband and wife. I mean, it's not every day you get married to the woman of your dreams, you know."

"I understand." Erebus put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "I've known you for eons, Hades, and I've never seen anyone more in love than you and Maleficent. After today, everything will fall into place. You'll see."

Hades gave his friend a smile. "Thanks, Erebus. I needed that." Then he remembered. "Oh, I almost forgot. Where are Pain and Panic? I told them to go check up on the..." His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud crashing sound followed by screaming; it was coming from outside. He turned to Thanatos and Erebus. "Uh oh."

The three Gods ran down the stairs and towards the venue, only to see different Gods and Goddesses screaming and running away to safety, the entire place engulfed in smoke, and a few of the decorations, including the carpet going down the aisle, were set on fire. That was when Diablo flew out of the smoky clouds and out of sight; Hades could only stare in shock and anger. Rhea, Pain, and Panic soon came out, coughing from the smoke.

"I don't believe this!" Rhea cried as she brushed off the skirt of her dress.

"Mother, what happened?!" Hades asked.

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