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"Um, Nyx? No offense, but I think I'm starting to have second thoughts about this!" Rhea cried as she tried her best to hold on tight.

Nyx's chariot was flying at a great speed over the forest through the afternoon sky while the assembled ladies did their best to locate Diablo or Hades. Unfortunately, they had no luck so far. Rhea even considered heading to Greece to see if there was any sign of them there. But then Maleficent had a thought; she closed her eyes and waved her scepter over her head. The orb in her scepter glowed and a beam of green light shot down from it into the forest below. The evil fairy looked and her eyes brightened.

"Down there!" She cried.

Nyx whipped the reins and the chariot nose-dived down towards the trees. They reached the ground and almost barreled through the greenery as the beam of light continued to show them the way. Dementia then noticed something in the ground.

"Hey, I know those tracks! They're from Hades' chariot! We're going the right way!" She exclaimed.

"Let's hit it!" Nyx shouted as the chariot gained more speed.

Maleficent noticed that the beam was growing shorter and shorter and eventually, she shouted,


Nyx pulled the reins as hard as she could and the black winged creatures pulling the chariot reared up and stopped, causing the cart to come to an abrupt halt. The gathered women stepped out of the chariot; they had all changed out of their formal attire and into their original clothes for their mission, except for Maleficent. She wore the black dress Nyx had made for her to wear to the reception. They all looked around, hoping to find a clue of some kind. When she saw Hades' chariot parked close by, Maleficent recognized the area immediately.

'My old home.' She thought as she ventured towards the nearby house; Nyx, Margalo, Rhea, and Dementia followed after her.

"You know this place?" Rhea asked.

"...I used to grow up here." Maleficent replied before placing her ear against the wooden door to listen for anything unusual.

She could hear muffled voices and hushed cawing from inside. Realizing that it's Diablo in there, she opened the double doors and looked inside. And there was Hades, Erebus, Thanatos, Pain, and Panic standing in the middle of the room as if they had just committed a crime and they were caught red-handed. Hades turned his head to see his true love standing in the doorway and his face lit up at the sight of her.

"Malef!" He exclaimed.

"Hades!" Maleficent cried; she grinned at the mention of the endearing nickname he had given her when they first got together.

They ran over to each other and pulled each other in for a hug before Rhea pushed them apart, covered their eyes with her hands, and said, "Hey! What are you doing? Shield your eyes, you two! You're not supposed to see each other before the nuptials! It's bad luck!"

"Rhea, please. We don't have time for that sort of nonsense." Maleficent said as she removed her hand from her face. "Hades, have you been here this whole time?"

"Not the entire time. We only got here about ten minutes ago." Hades replied as he removed his mother's hand from his own eyes. He walked over to a nearby sofa, reached behind it, and took out an old birdcage... with Diablo inside it. "I've been trying to get THIS guy back to the ceremony. And there was a lot of scratching and squawking, I'll tell you that much." He walked back over to her and took her hand. "But I knew you'd want him to be there, no matter what he did." He smiled and she smiled back at him before he handed her the cage.

She furrowed her brow at her familiar. "Diablo, my pet! What happened?! I was so worried about you!" She scolded the raven. "And what were you thinking?! Destroying the great hall and running away?! You know how important today is, and how much it means to me to have you there! I don't understand! What has gotten into you?!"

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