Chapter Six: Two Counties Meet

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𝗔s the Three Boats stirred across the long river, Rago fell asleep and had a eventful dream of his own.
He awoke in a Infirmary of some sort, but he was alone; no one was there. As he was in a hospital attire - full white, his weapons - his armor, was gone.
He had got up and looked around, he was bare foot of course, he had a few cuts on his face - he didn't remember them being there, but he shrugged it off as he took a look outside.
It was not what he was expecting, waves of fire was everywhere as dead soldiers lay on the ground, particularly Donrule Soldiers, as dragons flew over Rago, causing Rago to stumble as a Dragon started to approach him.
A shadowy-like figure was riding that dragon, as the dragon flew below to meet Rago's level - it was The Leader of The Twelve, The One, The King of Eladar, The Star King.
Rago moved back, eventually tripping over a rock, as he fell back into The Infirmary. "Get back, you foul beast!" he said.
A deep breath could be heard from the shadow face, as it said: "You have failed, Dorric Rago."
Rago, trying to understand what it meant, got up, as he stared at the Dragon, and then threw his eyes up at the King himself.
"The World of Donrule will fall," he said, "and everyone will beg for mercy. And you will be alone."
The King raised his sword as the Dragon started flapping his wings around, as it leaped full speed at Rago, knocking him down - in reality it woke him up.
"No!" said he, as he now started to notice his surroundings, as Bergorn glanced at him behind; "You alright there?" he asked.
Rago was timid. "I'm fine, i guess," he said, clutching his arm, as he looked at the Two Boats beside him, before looking at his surroundings; "Where are we?"
"Just exiting the Fifty-Fifth Floor," said Bergorn, "then we're going to try and make it to Myriad, a great man awaits us there."
Rago wondered what he meant by "great man", and he certainly wasn't pleased with the words "Myriad" as he learnt what happened to that place.
Unbeknownst to Rago, the Boats stopped, as everyone started getting out, with Bergorn turning towards Rago. "Come on, lad!" he said. "It's walking time!"
Rago grabbed his things as he leaped off the boat, entering the Forest with the rest of his group.

Days had passed since the Solidarity had landed in Lethien, as the day of leaving had arrived, Arathor was packing his valuable items, such as his Vylven Bread, his Compass, his Map, and his Torch.
He put the strap around his neck as he grabbed his Broadsword, putting it in his sheath, as he turned to the others. "Are you guys packed?" he asked.
Perrin put his small sword into his sheath. "I think so," he said. "We wasn't staying here for long, wasn't we?"
"No we weren't," said Arathor, "we have nowhere to go. Therefore we need to get back to Roam before other foul beasts come and take us all out."
"So the Solidarity is coming to an end?" asked D'Angelo.
"No, i have plans," said Arathor, "come along! Our boats await!"
They went to the Shore, The Vylves waved to The Solidarity as they had now started sailing away from Lethien, it was the same order as usual: Arathor, Perrin, Gimitri in one boat; Eli, D'Angelo and Evera in another.
Perrin started having deep thoughts of his conversation with the Princess Elanaril, as she gave him the harsh truth and a whole other perspective on the Continent of Ainkura.

Perrin was now recalling the events.
He had entered a whole other room, as she saw the Princess pour a few drinks out, as she offered him one. "Want it?" she asked.
Perrin nodded, as he slowly took it, giving it a sip, as she started to say: "I believe you have come here with the rest of your team, as in an attempt to get the Flag, am i correct?"
Perrin nodded, as she continued. "Needless to say, i am very concerned about you. Especially with that little scab you have on your forehead."
Perrin felt the Mark. "This is not a Scab," he said. "This is -"
"I know what it is," said she, "i said that to test your insecurity, you have no idea what the Mark means. Do you?"
Perrin took a few moments, but he eventually shook his head, as Elanaril walked to him, showing the Mark that was on her shoulder. "I have one too," she said. "It is the Sign of a Zebra, the animal of freedom.
"Of course, you wouldn't know that. You have very little experience of the wild countries, I do not blame you for it. It is a very twisted world we live in, but I say - before you go, it is time you learn what you really are."
"What i really am?" asked Perrin.
"Yes, what you really are," said Elanaril. "You are One of The Ten Marks, they were marks given to the Ancient Entities in the early days of Aura - our planet, in the universe of Āa.
"It is splitted into two categories: lower and higher, commonly known as the big three, the lower consists of the seven: The Lion, The Owl, The Raven, The Dragon, The Bat, The Sun, and The Star."
"What about the other three?" asked Perrin.
"The Big Three consists of The Moon, The Sun, and The Lord, although they were not beings, they were incarnated into people with powers as such."
"Are Wizards affiliated with this sort of stuff?"
"Oh - no, beings like Greflyn and Kuharad have pacts with the Creator, we are servants. They are guardians, they roam many places. Not just Ainkura."
"I don't know about the realms outside of Ainkura," said Perrin, "sorry, if i seem dumb."
"Oh, i don't blame you, i am here to teach you; you are here for a purpose, They are consisted of Ten Different Entities, with Ten Different Descendants - The Lion, The Raven, The Owl, The Zebra, The Star, The Dragon, The Bat, The Sun, The Moon, and The Lord."
"The Lord?" said Perrin, "what does The Lord represent?"
"Not the Lord you think of," said Elanaril, "it is a Dark Lord, the One that Rules All, took us out of power long ago. The reason that the world is full of death and depression.
"But there is a Cure to all of this, Perekin, there is a Prophecy, a Cruel Prophecy - a Prophecy that even maybe the bravest person could not handle, I shall say it to you:




And then, the Quest shalt be over." she turned to Perrin, "to stop evil, you must fight with evil — it is a cruel world, Perekin Bethel, please be careful with your future decisions."
And then, she slowly walked out, with Perrin standing with nothing but endless thoughts.
The Recall was over, and Perrin sat there, not saying a word, as Gimitri was fast asleep, and Arathor was rowing the boat slowly, as the Moon glittered above.
The Boats now stopped at a certain point. "We can not row forever," said Arathor. "We will have a resting point."
Perrin carried Gimitri out of the boat as they resided in a forest, as Arathor lit a fire up, with the Younglings wrapped in green cloaks, along with Eli and D'Angelo sitting on a nearby log, eating marshmellows together.
With the Moon shining above, the misty clouds tramped all over it, which saddened Perrin's mood a little.
"Get some sleep, Perekin," he said. "Who knows what madness we will endure, hopefully it's not another Celtog."

Seven is soon!

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