11) Hidden Intentions

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"Bury a friend" by Billie Eilish


Elle was stunned by Jack's sudden appearance, and evidently, so was the son of Loki. However, Jormungand recovered from his surprise much faster than Elle did. "Isn't this a delightful surprise," he sneered, struggling to remove the icicle from his chest. "Jack Frost. It seems the rumors of you and your wife's separation are greatly exaggerated."

As Jormungand spoke, his demeanor shifted, and he no longer resembled a human. His eyes blazed bright orange and wild, while his teeth began to morph into something far more sinister. They no longer resembled ordinary canine teeth like his brother Fenrir's; instead, they took on the appearance of fangs—snakelike fangs, sinister and deadly.

Elle realized from her reading and studying that Jormungand was considered the world serpent. He was supposed to be an incredibly large snake that was able to wrap around the world according to Norse Mythology. Then again, Elle supposed this probably wasn't accurate. According to mythology, Jormungand was supposed to have perished in Ragnorok. Elle was in a stunned stupor that not only was Jack here in the flesh; he had transformed from the cat into himself.

"Oh Jormungand. Still doing your daddy's bidding," mocked Jack as he transferred himself standing between Elle and the son of Loki. "I thought Ragnorok would have taught you better."

"You know not of which you speak," snapped Jormungand as he frustratingly attempted to remove the icicle. "The end of the Olympian's reign is coming; the realms will fall as they do. If you were wise, you would allow my brother and I to finish what our father started."

Elle flinched on the ground; he was clearly implying murdering her.

"No one's ever accused me of being wise anyhow," said Jack with a grin, allowing two more icicles to grow from the palms of each hand. "Your life will be ending for daring to lay a finger on her."
"He is right," said another familiar voice, causing Elle's head to whip around in wonder. Kane had now arrived at the party and he was not alone. While he stood in the same all-black suit with red accents around the cuff links and breast pocket, the people with him were dressed in armor. Dazzling gold and orange suits of armor were on each man who looked like a soldier. The men were surrounding the small living room in a matter of moments. Each had a flaming sword pointed directly at Jormungand. Kane and the soldiers were not alone, either. Small, hideous creatures were flanking the soldiers sides as well, each one with long, wooly pointed ears. They were dressed in the same golden and burnt orange suits of armor, but each creature did not have a flaming sword. Instead, they all had hairy little arms that started on fire the second they got into position. The small three-foot tall creatures hissed at Jormungand vehemently.
Jack looked surprised at the new arrivals who had assembled instantaneously. He turned his head to address Elle.
"Friends of yours, Letter?" Elle had nothing to say; she was just as surprised as Jack by the new arrivals.
"Family," announced Kane, giving a slight nod of his head to approve of the soldiers stepping closer to Jormungand. "Jormungand Lokison, you are charged with attempting universal domination, evading arrest, treason, attempted murder-"
But Jormungand shot Kane a very cross look before he disappeared instantly once the icicle was removed.
"Oh well done," mocked Jack the second he vanished. "You let him get away!"
"Had we not come along Jormungand would have easily killed you before getting to Evangeline," replied Kane calmly. "We are the reason he chose to retreat."
"Chose to retreat?" Snarled Jack. "He was outnumbered! You could have killed him on the spot. What's the reason you didn't?" He demanded.

"We were placing him under arrest," said Kane, starting to look annoyed. "That is the proper protocol to go through. Being a King, you should already be aware of the proper channels which are needed in order to prevent war."
Jack's lip curled as his grey eyes narrowed. "Proper protocol can be ignored in Jormungand's case. He's assisting in his father's asinine quest to end the worlds as we know them. Loki and his followers have already declared war. Therefore, they've declared their own deaths."
Elle was watching Jack silently. As soon as he turned to look back at her she diverted her eye contact. Her heart was pounding.
"Proper protocol is never ignored when you are a monarch," said Kane curtly. His almond shaped eyes narrowing.

Jack looked about to object before he noticed Elle was struggling to stand up. He hurried over to her, his hand automatically going to the gash on the back of her head. Locking eyes with him caused Elle to look away. She couldn't look at his inhumanly pale face. Doing that brought back memories of their time together. It reminded her how much she had loved him. It also reminded her how much he hurt her. Elle couldn't look at Jack; there was far too much pain still in her. Jack's gentle touched nearly caused her to shiver. Not from the cold, but from his touch in general. She craved his touch for months, dreamt of him for more nights than she cared to admit. Shed enough tears to fill a pool. "And who are you?" Jack finally asked, his grey eyes leaving Elle briefly to overlook Kane.

"As I said, family," replied Kane dryly. The strange, ugly creatures that were surrounding the living room started to cackle gleefully.
Elle didn't find herself particularly fond of the disturbing little monsters even if they did help in driving Jormungand away.
It was only then that Elle remembered someone important. "LUCY!" she shouted, attempting to stand only for Jack's cold hands to settle on her shoulders.
"Don't move," Jack gently ordered. He gave a gently squeeze. "It's impossible to know the extent of your injuries until we get you to a healer-"

"There is no we, Frost," said Kane lazily as a few of the ugly creatures came to immediately assist Elle. One of the smallest carried a satchel. It was impossible to tell the genders of these tiny monsters; all looked identical with their pointed ears and grotesquely lumpy faces. Two of them proceeded to pull what looked to be gauze from the bag. "You distracted Jormungand from killing Evangeline, but she shall venture to her family's kingdom at once."
"Her family's kingdom," echoed Jack in dismay. "Where in the realms was this family all this time? When she was orphaned? When she was rediscovered after thought of being lost? At her wedding?"

"Oh, yes, her wedding. The same wedding you banished and then abandoned her," mocked Kane, causing the ugly little monsters to laugh once more. The knights remained eerily silent, helmets covering their faces so Elle couldn't get a good look at them. "We were the same as winter's throne; we did not know where Matthew ran with her all these years."
Elle waved the creature trying to bandage the back of her head. "Knock it off!" she snapped once the small thing started snarling at her in another language.
"Forgive the goblins, little sister, they only mean to help."
Elle tried not to look at Jack. He seemed perplexed by Kane's mention of little sister.
"They can help by finding my friend," croaked Elle, her voice sore. "Did Fenrir get her??"
"Nay, Queen Evangeline, I have Lucy," said a female voice Elle hadn't heard in quite a long time. One of the twelve Olympians had arrived. Artemis was here, looking just as youthful as the last time Elle had seen her. The young-looking goddess had her long black hair swept into side braid, her clothes all black. Black leggings and a long-sleeved black shirt were accented by knee-length black boots. The only article of clothing not as black as her hair was the violet and velvet hooded cloak she wore.

Artemis held an unconscious Lucy in her arms, the sight looking quite odd. Lucy was slightly bigger than Artemis, making it look like a strange sight for the thin and spry looking goddess to be cradling Lucy like a baby.
"Fenrir?" asked Elle worriedly.
"Fled with his brother and their minions. The area is secure."

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