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"And then the witch says she wishes me nothing but the best," snarled Elle as Lucy ran a golden brush through her hair. She hit a snag that caused Elle to yelp which then caused the nearby Hera to send a pair of raised brows towards Lucy. The goddess sighed. "If you cannot manage such a simple task my dear then I am afraid you will be asked to leave a room," she said sternly. Hera had come for a visit- as well as to extend a personal invitation to Elle to join her for tea that afternoon.

She had come personally instead of requesting Hermes to fetch Elle given he had other responsibilities to attend to. The goddess had intended to bring Elle to Olympus for the day, but considering the mortal Lucy was not allowed to step foot on the godly mountain given she held no magical ability to her, Elle requested they stay at Fire's kingdom for tea. Hera happily obliged, flicking her hand lazily and making it so Elle's entire bedroom resembled her golden throne room back on Olympus. Instead of red walls and flames of Fire's Kingdom, the enchanted room now looked longer- with golden columns and pillars that looked exactly how Elle remembered them looking on Olympus.

Lucy said nothing, she only provided a strong nod. Her brows furrowed as she focused on her mundane task of brushing Elle's shoulder length brown hair into submission. Although initially terrified by all the strange things that had been happening as of late, Elle found her friend was adjusting nicely to her new world. Eventually Elle realized Lucy was going to have to go home, but until then she decided she was going to just simply enjoy having her around.

"I don't understand what's going on. You realize she's my friend and not my servant, right?" said Elle. She never wanted to be disrespectful to Hera. Not only out of respect to their relationship, but also after reading many stories regarding her vengeful nature throughout Greek Mythology. But Elle was tired of people being disrespectful towards Lucy solely because she was human.
"Oh she didn't say that to be rude," defended Lucy suddenly. "We talked before you came back. I'll be able to stay with you to overhear conversations if I'm pretending to make myself useful."
Part of Elle suddenly remembered that she had caught the resourceful Lucy reading some of the dozens of Mythology books Elle had lying around back home. That would explain the quiet fear Lucy had in her eyes whenever Hera spoke. She knew enough myths regarding the goddess to know she was not one to be trifled with.

Elle's eyebrows rose as she looked to Hera for confirmation. The Queen of the gods gave a very elegant version of a shrug. "Young Lucinda would be wise to learn the ways of how to live amongst royals shall she wish to continue living with you," she said in explanation.
"So, what you're saying is, if she wants to stay she should get used to brushing my hair-" Elle winced uncomfortably at the brushing. She was no longer sure if her hair contained that many snarls in the back or if Lucy was simply that bad at brushing.
"Sorry, sorry," chimed Lucy nervously as she carefully avoided eye contact with Hera.
"She can't simply be in the room because she's my best friend?"
"Oh Olympus no," said Hera with a very feminine chuckle. "Did you learn nothing after your etiquette classes Boreas provided you?"

Elle winced as memories flooded her mind. Her time in Winter's kingdom, particularly under the reign of the late King Boreas, wasn't all pleasant. She had been a hostage, awaiting her marriage to Jack, and enduring etiquette classes from stern castle keepers to groom her for her future role as Queen. The lessons ranged from royal history to table manners for every conceivable occasion. Hera's words resonated with uncomfortable truth. Royals were expected to mingle only with those of similar status or proximity to power.
Royals were expected to hold relationships only with those who held the same statue of power as they or close to.

In the world of immortals, Elle and Lucy were simply not expected nor allowed to be friends. "Why don't you enjoy a cup of tea," suggested Elle, snatching away the hairbrush after Lucy unsuccessfully attempted to curl a large chunk of her hair. Lucy's eyes shot to Hera for what seemed to be approval. Maybe it was due to the tales Elle told her or her own knowledge of Greek Mythology that made her fear the goddess. Whatever the reason, Hera had on a small satisfactory smile before she nodded. Elle near snorted. Hera never seemed to have a problem with those who showed her either respect or fear. Lucy made herself a cup of tea, her hands shaking as she poured herself a small cup from the golden kettle perched on the nearby table. She sat down on the nearby loveseat belonging to the queen, not saying another word as she slowly sipped at her tea that smelled strongly of peaches.
"Now, returning to the conversation. You wish to make an enemy out of the oracle of Delphi?" said Hera.
"Not exactly," replied Elle diplomatically. "I just can't shake the feeling she's already an enemy of mine. She just hasn't come out and said it."
Hera sent Elle a look that was purely skeptical. "The oracle of Delphi -Apollon's oracle- would dare tell untruths to a young woman that her lord is infatuated with? Please think it through my dear, that is a positively silly assumption."
Elle purposely ignored her statement that Apollo was infatuated with her. She chose to solely focus on purely the idea of Pythia being a liar. Outside the large open-spaced window overlooking the city below the mountain top of Olympus. Elle could hear birds chirping while the sun was shining brightly until she realized it was all just a crafty illusion created by Hera and not at all real.
"What if I'm right?" said Elle as she thought more about Hera's illusion. "What if Pythia's just pretending at being a...good guy?" she asked, lacking better description for how she felt about the oracle.

"A good guy?" chuckled Hera. "Sweet girl, there are no good or bad when it comes to oracles; that is only such in the prophecies they provide."
"Look at what you can do," said Elle, using her hand to motion the faux scenery of the beautiful golden city below the mountain top. The clear-blue sky and golden temples around the mountain top were not real although they very well looked the part.
"It's a part of being a goddess," said Hera, not understanding what Elle was implying.
"My point is it's all an illusion," explained Elle, wondering how to make her point. She didn't have to try too hard; someone else in the room caught on.

"You think the oracle is illuding that she's one of the good guys when she's actually the opposite," said Lucy in realization, causing Hera to cast her a look that made Lucy drop her head and return to her tea.

"Exactly! Why else would she go back and forth on prophecies?" said Elle as she stood from her spot and began to pace. "One moment I'm destined to be with Jack, then the next, he's supposedly destined to leave me all for my own greater good? It doesn't add up."
"That is why you want to condemn Pythia," said Hera in sudden realization. Her perfect pink lips curved into a smile. "You still have feelings for Jack!"
"No," said Elle quickly, adamantly shaking her dark head. "I just find it suspicious-"
"As if the oracle of Apollo would betray with false prophecies," interrupted Hera with a slightly arrogant sniff. "You disbelieve for you are furious with the ending of your marriage due to Pythia." She wore the smug look of satisfaction.

Elle grit her teeth and said nothing further, knowing fully well that once Hera started believing something it was hard to get the goddess to disbelieve it. She was quite stubborn when she wanted to be.

"I would be furious as well if I lost my title due to a prophecy," said Hera with a long sigh. "The good news is you could spend the next century contesting your divorce. Although you will not hold the same luxuries shall Jack remarries, right now you are still the acting Queen-"
"How about a topic change," suggested Elle vigorously, desperate to not think about Jack or his remarrying someone. The mere thought then made Elle think of his old flame, Cupid's daughter, Voluptous. Thinking of Jack's potential happiness with another then brought her back to thinking of Pythia, and that only further aggravated her already fragile nerves. If Elle wasn't careful, she would catch fire again.

"Yes, yes," sighed Hera, clasping her delicate hands together, causing her golden bracelets on her wrists to clang. "You wish to train on Olympus with a professional."
"Yes," said Elle, relieved the topic was now back to what she had originally wanted to talk about with Hera when she had first arrived. It was a safe topic that was away from both Pythia and Jack. "I'm sick of people like Loki and his kids being able to constantly win fights against me. I want to become a better fighter."
Hera sighed, unclasping her hands to drum her neat fingernails on the slender right knee of hers that she crossed over her left. "And you believe that I would assist you in helping you find a someone to train you in a fight for your life?"
"More like hoping," said Elle, deciding flattering was the best weapon in convincing Hera to help her. "Being Queen of the gods, I figure you would be the most knowledgeable in who's the best person to train me how to fight."
Hera raised a disbelieving eyebrow and said nothing, causing Elle to laugh. "Fine. You're the Queen that most are afraid of. If you ask someone to train me, they'll do it all because you asked them to." Hera nodded to this, before she wore a bemused smirk.
"Only most are fearful of me?" she said smugly. The goddess winked at the smiling Elle. "I will grant this request my goddaughter, but only if you join me for tea at another time. Is that a fair trade?"
Elle smiled again. "Absolutely."
"Brilliant," said Hera with her own satisfied smile. "Apollo is busy at the moment. Hermes?"
Elle shook her head at once. Although back home Hermes would try harder than Apollo to train her, his heart was simply not into pushing her too hard to her limits. That was what Elle truly needed. If she stood any chance against Loki or her eventual battle against Macaria, she couldn't work with Hermes. "He's too nice," replied Elle.
"Artemis? Athena has other matters she is attending to."
"I'm still mad at Artemis for working with Jack."
To be honest, Elle was mainly upset that Artemis had been masquerading as her dog for the last few years. She had loved Shadow.
"What about Ares?" Elle offered. Although she didn't have a fond memory of Ares after his running of wife training, she knew she could trust him to show no mercy on her when it came to training.

"I shall put in a request, but my son is perhaps busy training the tribute brides of Hercules to assist at this time."
"Tribute brides...?" Lucy looked to Elle questioningly, but Elle was just as lost as she was. She had never heard of this before. "Tribute brides," answered Hera with a nod. "Tis customary for women to be volunteered as tribute to compete in the Trials of Olympus."
"The Trials of Olympus?" Now, Elle was even more confused.
"Tis when the tributes must compete in obstacles or tasks that the Olympian they are competing for sets forth. In Hercules case, it would be the labors he was tasked with while seeking immortality," explained Hera. "The survivors advance to each round until there is only one remaining tribute. He or she -depending on the sexual preference of the god or goddess- is then rewarded in marrying the individual."

"It's not much of an award marrying Hercules," acknowledged Elle.
"I do agree," said Hera, flashing a smile.
Elle winced while remembering something important about Hercules. She had come across him when she had abruptly been thrown into a fighting session back when she was first learning about immortals. "Hercules already had five or something wives," she said in disgust. "Why does he need another wife?"
"Tis not the infidelity that surprises me as much that Hercules is one of the few individuals left who still refers to the Trials instead of courtship," said Hera, using a delicate thumb to graze the tip of her pointer nail. Elle believed her perfect nails were so perfectly sculpted and buffed one could probably see their reflection in them. Elle shook her head in wonder as Lucy remained in quiet shock upon this reveal. "He does not have to refer to the Trials to gain a bride; he simply enjoys watching the games," revealed Hera gravely.
"You said these women are volunteered...?" said Elle, disbelieving that anyone would willingly volunteer to be a part of such cruelty.
"Or handpicked by the immortal who is intrigued by them," said Hera. "Civilizations would pick their most lovely to sacrifice to the gods, the same would work if an immortal wished a bride, groom, or lover."
Elle remembered how the wives of Hercules all seemed well versed on how to fight. "Why did his wives seemed trained in combat...?"
"You do not simply complete the trials successfully by having a lovely face," chortled Hera. "The women have been trained over the decades, centuries, or millennia. I pray to Gaia over the poor soul who succeeds in winning the Trials. Little does she know those she is competing against are the least of her problems; it is Hercules' current wives she should watch out for."

Elle felt uncomfortable all the sudden, certain she ever needed to know such games existed. Hera sent her a raised eyebrow upon seeing her uncomfortableness. "The next time you complain of being betrothed since birth, you remember how much better you have it compared to others," she softly chastised, standing from her position on the loveseat. Lucy shot Elle an incredulous look, one that Elle ignored minus gently using her pointer finger to bring to her nose to shush her.

"Well Evangeline, teatime was lovely, but I am afraid I must be off. Demeter is terribly upset over this global warming nonsense." Hera appeared before Elle's eyes to gently kiss both of her cheeks. Elle ignored Lucy's outraged stare over the comment on global warming to return the small hug the goddess provided. "Be ready for dusk; I believe I have the perfect candidate aligned to train you."

Hours later Elle found herself in the familiar arena perched in the dead center of Mount Olympus, raised high above the city similar to the Acropolis of Athens. The weather was a balmy warm; a far cry to the cold weather that was plaguing Elle's hometown at the same time. Elle had no complaints; ever since she had first acquired her magical abilities, she found she no longer felt temperature the same way. Whether it was too hot to too cold it did not make a difference to her. With her dark hair high and tight in a ponytail, Elle dressed as best she could in a bronze armor that she found was labeled as fireproof. If she had to start her arms on fire for the training session, the stretchy gold bodysuit she wore beneath the armor would not melt atop of her skin.

"Oo do ye' reckon will be your trainer, mah Queen?" rasped the goblin Griselda. Her beady eyes looked around excitedly. Alaz desired Elle bring someone along to her training. The king offered Pele or Kane, but Elle didn't want to be distracted during the session. She couldn't bring Lucy along given mortals weren't allowed on Olympus, so that left one of the goblins to bring as a companion. The most acceptable companion Elle found was Griselda. She was mostly quiet unless spoken to, and she didn't mumble nasty remarks under her breath that Elle had come to find the other goblins were prone to do. But Elle found as quiet as the goblin was, she suddenly couldn't contain her excitement as she admired all that the armory had to offer.

"I'm betting Ares or maybe Artemis." Although Hera typically would not be an immortal to go to when searching for a sparring partner, Elle figured the Queen of the gods would recruit only the very best when it came to securing one. But as Elle made her way out of the dark armory tunnels and into the bright and sunny arena, she suddenly stopped short. Her feet did not want to walk further. It was catching sight of a familiar someone who was twirling around a staff expertly that caught her off-guard. He was tossing it twenty feet in the air before expertly catching the staff without looking at it. Elle stood slack jawed, not understanding how the very last person she could have ever expected to be in the arena stood before her, looking just as devilishly handsome as ever.

"Hello, Elle," said Jack, catching the staff once more before setting his gaze upon her.


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Betrothed to Jack Frost: Fire's Fury **SOON TO BE PUBLISHED**Where stories live. Discover now