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Meeting Yangyang was unexpected. After the late incident with him, you always wake up thirty minutes earlier than your usual routine.

Days became different after that, somehow. With no specific reason. You can't pinpoint what exactly changed, but there definitely is.

Encountering Yangyang has made a lot of impact. He was very friendly, greeting you on the hallway, on the canteen, on the room when he passes by.

He's a casual person in your life now. You don't even consider him as an acquaintance or a friend, just someone you know.

And he probably treats you the same.

He taught you a very big lesson you once thought wasn't a big deal — not being late. Even your mother bats an eyelid when you manage to have a spare of 15 minutes before you can go catch a bus.

But there are some few slip ups with that. You were just lucky that there are no faculty members who catch you.

Today was an exception; an inevitable late warning.

You worked overnight for your mini thesis. It was stressful and you have not come out of your room all those hours. You stay up all morning and you could feel your head spinning that time. Tied with sleeping late is waking up late.

As a result, you had a second wave of late slip today.

The guy who detained you and Yangyang was there. His eyes was surprised for a second before grinning.

"I rarely see you here.. Miss Jung, right?" He grabbed the stab and nodded. "Must have been accidental late today. It's only your second one. And you seem stressed."

You almost rolled your eyes, your grumpiness on the roof since you only had two hours of sleep. Two hours that felt like two minutes.

There are two types of sleep loss impact: first is that the person gets too hyper, the adrenaline pumping up in their whole body system. On the other hand, there are people who would like to slice any annoying people in half with lethargy written from their head to toe.

Yeah, you're currently the second one.

The middle-aged man, or Mr. Guidance you call, gave you the slip. You sighed as you pocket it. "Not to be disrespective.. but I think it'd be best if we just leave personal matters with students to themselves."

You expect an astonished reaction from the man. But instead, a faint smile decorated his face. "Your partner is here almost every other day in a week so it made me somehow surprised you are back too."

"That's a lot of violations, shouldn't that person drop by now?"

The Guidance Counselor covered his mouth, as if he said the wrong thing. You can agree, he probably exposed someone with high connections to the school. No one gets to stay here after having past five minor violation and three major.

Now, you're curious who he is.

With a rough sigh, you crossed your arms. He is treating this place like some sort of a restaurant being visited by some students. "Partner? Who even is that?"

"He asks me about you most of the time." Mr. Guidance opened the door wide. "Now, please stop chitchatting with me and enter the room, you'll be here just for an hour."

You were too tired to respond and just entered, deciding to just enter the place without words, even though you want to claim he started the conversation in the first place.

If you can only rant about their stupid system, you will. But you're afraid that will add up your violation slip. You're one of the top student in class, honestly. So Guidance and all the slips is not familiar with you.

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