fourty one | 41

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"Yang, okay, enough," Mark worriedly said when he noticed the nose blood peek the guy's nostrils. His eyes widened and muscles tensed up when he noticed YangYang isn't stopping at any point. "Yang!"

"Mark, don't tell me what to do," YangYang spat sternly, not stopping. Not even a second. Even though he himself can feel his knuckles starting to hurt. "He touched my Y/N , and this is one of the least punishment he must receive."

Mark definitely can't just let it slide. No matter how much it can cost with disobeying YangYang when he knows his friend has every right to be this mad, he knows YangYang better than anyone.

So, he took the risk and threw the limp guy on the ground, forcefully making YangYang stop, taking the risk of receiving one of his punches.

"YangYang!" Mark yelled, pushing him until the back of his knee hits the bed, causing him to stumble a bit. "I know and understand you're mad, but Y/N needs you right now. She goes first than this dude. You hear me?"

YangYang panted, doing his best not to speak a word about Mark. He knows his friend is innocent.

But he have anger issues, and everyone who knows him is well aware of the extends he can do because of this temper of his. Everyone but.. you.

"She's with Haechan and Sungchan," Mark wiped the sweat off his forehead. "But I think it'd be better if her boyfriend is there rather than his friends."

"Fuck," He gave up, giving one last glance to the man who took advantage of you and growled, "We're not yet fucking done."

YangYang removed his coat off his body and sling it over his broad shoulders. He then went outside, scanning where you are. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Donghyuck helping you properly stand up with his arms round your waist.

"What the hell did he do to you?" YangYang whispered, approaching you and letting you be familiar with his face for a moment. He let his eyes become all teary, not fearing to appear vulnerable even with several curious eyes are looking at him. "I'm here now. I'm here."

Your eyes rolled, collapsing into him. YangYang didn't mind carrying you though. His adrenaline was on the roof.

Suddenly, a man came up amidst the chaos. His footsteps stopped when he saw the commotion in the middle of hallway.

"Liu, Liu," Sang Un appeared with a disappointed stare. YangYang sighed, turning around. "Why the fuck did you break every door in this room?"

"Because I'm obviously looking for Y/N," He rolled his eyes, stating the obvious fact with you collapsed in his arm. "Let me slide, for once, Sang Un."

YangYang couldn't bear a conversation. He was about to leave Sang Un, hastily bringing you out of the place, only to be stopped by Sang Un by standing in his way. YangYang's jaw clenched. He's not in the mood to play with Sang Un, not when you're in this state.

"What happened?" Sang Un became serious. "Tell me anything, I might help you."

"Mark and the rest is still inside, you can go ask the guy's name. Crap, I don't even know him." YangYang scoffed bitterly. "I'm off."

With that, YangYang made his way to the exit, with you being carried in his arms. The loud music did not made him blink once at all. He just want to get out of that suffocating place so bad that with each step he took, his breath becomes rougher.

He asked the butlers for the chauffeur to drive his car. As soon as his vehicle arrived, he placed you on the back, a frown appearing in his forehead when he saw your state once again. Definitely not something he imagined that was capable of happening.

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