four | 4

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photo above all credits to Chray2

"Y/N." A soft spoken welcomed you from downstairs. "Hi, good morning."

"Dad!" An adrenaline pumped within you as you rushed to hug him. "What brought you here? It's too early."

An excitement ignited within you. He barely comes home and you almost never spend time with him. He's just always ready to leave.

Your mother prepared a plate for the two of you. Suddenly, you noticed the coldness in her eyes. Along with that comes her attire. She was wearing a formal clothes with her tied up in a bun. Your eyes trailed to your father and your brows cocked upwards seeing him wear the same solemn look. Although they are in a shaky ground, they never made it obvious infront of you.

And you know today was different.

Your enthusiasm shattered at once and you admit something inside ached. You pretended not to notice those things and started eating. "So.. what's up with today? Seems like Mom is also going somewhere."

She sat at the spot beside you with a light aura. As if she is preparing to explain something. Now you know, it's not going to be a good news.

"You see.. Y/N.." You did not even spare a glance when she inhaled, preparing to say words. "I have to accompany your father for a few days. I.. I won't be home‐-"

"How long?" You cut her off, slowly losing appetite, but you had to chew the fried egg or it may seem like you are affected with the news.

There's no way you're going to show them you are.

"Three days? Four? I'm still not sure, child. I'm just letting you know about it. But! It's only for this week. Promise, I won't leave the next few weeks." She smiled, one that hides the answer to the question why.

You did not bother asking for the reason, knowing well she won't say it no matter how much you ask. It's obvious though, your father's work probably isn't going smooth.

Your father looked at you with an apologetic smile. He poured your cup some water and nodded. "Don't worry, I called your aunt to--"

"No!" As quick as you can make it sound, you contradicted him. He looked up at you with a confused face but you only shrugged. "I mean.. I'm already 18. I can handle myself. I'll be in college soon, I'm certain that I have to know how to handle responsibilities. Also, I'm really busy these days. When it's my house, it always feel like I have to serve the visitor. I have no time for that."

You hate the thought of it. Your relatives does not have any personal beef with you. It's just that being supervised by them feels like you will owe them one day. You dislike the thought of that.

"Are you sure? We have to keep your safety," Your mother frowned. But there was no response from you, not even a hum. You just chugged the water your father poured for you.

If they can stay silent when asked, you can too.

You looked away and sighed. "I'm serious about it."

The way your mother's eyes jumped from you to her husband made you conclude that she is uncertain about your decision.

She definitely has other plan.

You hurried finishing your food and gulped down those pieces. You heard some whispers behind and you are almost certain they are still talking about you.

After wearing your shoes and grabbing the front door open, you uttered with a thick voice, "If I will stay with someone, even if its a close neighbor or a relative, I would rather not go home."

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