eleven | 11

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"Are we going home after this?" You asked, opening the lunch Yangyang bought. "I need to text my mom about it."

He stretched while standing at the door of his car, pulling his mask down a little bit to smile. "I have another place to go, the last one, I promise."

You stared at him, waiting for him to crack up. But he did not and that made your stomach turn.

So, he's serious.

"I can't believe I'm eating with you, inside your car," You shook your head. "Let alone being with you for hours."

"Right? We don't even eat together at the cafeteria." He chuckled.

So far, Yangyang has not been that much of an annoying kid today. You actually liked his presence — surprising, right?

To be honest, Yangyang really seem like a good friend. But there's just something in him that makes you not want to treat him like a friend.

Simply because he does not act like one, atleast around you.

He entered the car and started eating as well A groan of delight from him can be heard once the food reaches his taste bud. "This tastes good!"

"Yeah, feeding me before I die," You lightly accused, slowly realizing there will be sunset and it will be dark later.

"I told you, I'm not going to harm you or whatsoever," Yangyang rolled his eyes, chewing his food delightfully.

"I'm going to text Ten that if I went missing, you're the last person I'm with." You added, being serious with it.

Yangyang only grinned, finding everything entertaining as he wasn't threatened at all.

"Can't you please tell me where is the last spot?" You scratched your eyebrows and glared, wanting to appear so cold and aloof..

..when you're literally melting from the flavors of the lunch he bought.

"Just a seaside nearby, I want to watch the waves," He cleared his throat.

Then like a light switch, his eyes softened and became visibly sad.

He does not speak words or what his emotions currently are, but you can feel him somehow.

"Are you.." Okay? — You want to ask that.

He looked at you quickly and squinted his eyes. "Hmm?"

"Nothing, I just.." You scratched your chin and sighed. "Just keep eating."

"You know, I live so freely because I say what I want to say. So if ever you have something in your mind, just say it."

"That must be why you say things out of pocket and annoy me." You raised your brow, making sure he heard it loud and clear this time.

"You're getting annoyed because you choose to be. My other dudes does not," Added Yangyang.

You sighed heavily.

"But I am-- Nevermind. Let's eat in peace like we did with McDonalds." You took another spoon.

Can never win an argument with him because you get too tired trying to defend your side.

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