14: Amongst the Mystery

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Fordo POV.

Her laughs and giggles emulate that of a horror movie and even I can be unnerved. I'm not sure why she is here as although I did allow my office to be open when I'm vacant for visitors, People like her are something that I would least expect.

Akagi: "Hi Commander~

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Akagi: "Hi Commander~."

I decided not to talk for a while as I continued my paperwork. Her arrival is well needed as I do help transport these documents to the administration staff and also redirect her attention elsewhere. It is a good thing I have such a moment because my senses tell me she's not up to something good.

Fordo: "Oh, Akagi. Didn't notice you are there."

Akagi: "Commander, you're so cute when you are hard at work. Just watching you makes me feel like I'll overheat~"

Fordo: "Can you help me deliver these letters to the administration quarters?"

Akagi: "Of course~ This is another opportunity to deepen our bonds." *giggles*

Both of us carried the pile of documents and went towards the administration office. While on the way, I can see the ship girls avoiding my fellow brothers who are patrolling the area. Something tells me there is something wrong. Does this apply to the same as those in the Earthlings staying here? Before I could continue, My comlink is ringing as I answered it.

Fordo: *Opens my comlink* "What is it?"

Hornet: "Yo! Commander! Head to the Research Department Area. We got something that we need you to see."

Fordo: "Very well. I'll be there in a minute. I'm in the Administrative area with Akagi at the moment."

Scene Change, New Azur Lane Base, Research Department Area.

Akashi: "This is Orochi's Black Mental Cube, Nya~"

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Akashi: "This is Orochi's Black Mental Cube, Nya~"

Langley: "I can't believe that we have discovered one of its power firsthand."

Amazon: "It powers the Orochi and it seems it can amplify the power of the Sirens."

The blast doors of the then opened as Fordo arrived at Hornet's call.

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