1. Breathtakingly Beautiful

117 24 144

Extremely nervous
The only purpose of uploading this is I just want it to be published in some place and not just stay in my head.
Hoping this receives the reader's love. 🤞


I applied a coat of mascara cautiously, so as to not to clump my lashes. I had a tendency to mess things up. So I was afraid that I might smudge the black pigment all over my face or my new dress, which was given to me by Abbie for my 18th Birthday.

If it was any other day, I'd probably not be this mindful, but today, I'll be meeting him after almost two years, and that has got me all excited and nervous at the same time.

I heard the honking of a car, "OMG! It must be Rayna!" I exclaimed, looking at my hazel colored eyes, through the mirror widened with shock.

I hurried frantically, rummaging into my shoulder clutch bag, double checking if I had everything that's essential for the night. "Tissues... check, lipstick, and gloss... check! My phone... check! Oh! And the gift...? Mommy!"

I called out to my mom, as Rayna was already here to pick me. My mom pecked me a goodbye kiss and handed me the gift that I had asked her to wrap, because I suck at wrapping...

"Sammy, you've dressed up early today," said my dad affectionately.

It was true, even I couldn't believe that I had managed to finally be prepared much earlier than any other day in my 18 years of existence to leave the house.

"Heee dad!!" I cried, hugging him when my sister Mila, cut in,
"We know why she readied herself early today."

I rolled my eyes at her, and ran to the main door crying, "Daddy, love you, mamma, love you too, see you soon." as I ran towards the car.

"Goodluck dumbo!" My sister who's 7 years younger than me yelled back, making me smile.
Outside, in the entrance, stood a familiar blue SUV and peering through the windscreen was Rayna Farris. She mouthed a hi, when she saw me, with a big smile plastered on her face.

"Hi Ray.. Hi uncle", I said breathing heavily as I took a seat on the back.
Rayna's dad smiled in response and started to drive off to Abbie's Place. It was where the come back party for him was happening.

The party was not exactly for him, it was for his brother Zion for completing his graduation with a First Class Honours. His aunt, Abbie's mom, had wanted to throw him a surprise party to which she had invited all her business friends. It was an attempt to introduce him to successful and powerful entrepreneurs.

But Abbie had other plans and wanted us to be there to welcome him too.

Rayna turned around to look at me from the passenger seat. She tucked a loose strand of her caramel brown hair behind her ears and adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose, as she said, “You look gorgeous!” 

"You too, pretty!" I said, failing to hide the excitement in my voice.

"Someone's excited.." she teased me, making me blush.

"Let's hope he's forgiven me." I said, crossing my fingers together.

The vehicle moved and the time ticked, and on each tick the excitement I had faded. By the time we reached Abbie's mansion, I was very nervous.

Looking at the huge building even from afar was enough to make me crawl back to my home, because this place held so many memories, all the good, the bad and the ugly ones too.
The vehicle drove us through the driveway, and dropped at the entrance, where a flight of steps led to the mansion's doorway.

I shut my eyes and took in a deep breath,to calm my nerves before I stepped into the foyer holding Rayna's hand tightly.

She squeezed my sweaty and shaky hand back and whispered, "All will be fine, Sammy!"

I looked at her and smiled.

The moment my legs hit the foyer, my eyes started searching. Searching for him, the one that had my heart, the one that my eyes had been yearning to see all these months, the only one I was so eager to meet. MY ZANE!



As if I could sense her arrival, my eyes immediately landed on her petite form the moment she entered the foyer.

She was dressed in a maroon midi dress which silhouetted her curves seamlessly. The sleeves were puffed up and a bling shoulder bag hung on her left shoulder.

She still looked stunningly gorgeous. Still had the ability to... No!

As the memories of our pasts resurfaced in my mind, a surge of pure hatred stirred up in me.

Her eyes were scanning the room full of people. It looked like she was searching for someone.

I wondered who she intended casting her spell next.

"She indeed is breathtakingly beautiful." said someone, and I turned to look at him.

He was the gentleman I had been talking to, before my eyes landed on her.

"I don't see anything beautiful in her." I replied coldly.

"But, all these other gentlemen say otherwise." He said, directing me to the group of men that were now staring at her with an open mouth.

This however made me angry, I balled my fists tightly, as I replied. " Do not judge a book by its cover."

"She may look beautiful on the outside, but has the ugliest personality I have ever seen, not to mention she lives in a slum."

"It seems like you know her prior to this day?" The man looked at me questioningly.

I nodded,

"Girls like these are living off the riches money... She's here to woo a wealthy guy only to break his heart and run away with his money."

"Trust me, I've seen her doing this many times."

This was a lie, but it did the job. The man stared at her with total contempt, giving me total satisfaction.

I smirked as my eyes fell on her once again. It seemed like my stupid eyes couldn't look away from her.

At first she seemed a bit lost, but her eyes lit up when she saw Abbie, who hugged her and made her sit on a table where it was reserved for our friends.

Abbie still trusted these commoners!

This had nothing to do with 'her', Abbie was too soft and considered everyone her friend.

From where I was, I couldn't hear their conversation, but I could read my cousin's mouth as she said,

"So glad you two could make it,"

"Let me introduce the hero of the day, or should I call it 'night'?" Saying that she laughed at her own joke.

"You're still staring at her."

"Huh?!" I questioned, pulling my eyes away from her.

"You're still staring at her." The man repeated, glaring at me.

I ignored the man and started walking towards their direction.

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