8. A Loud Growl

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This chapter is dedicated to my Silent Sister HannahAdrianne the author of The Hexan Book 1 : The Dark Legacy, for being simply the BEST!
You have inspired me in writing better.

I stood staring at the beauty that pulled in front of us with a wide open mouth. But when the windows of the convertible rolled down, my already opened jaw dropped to the floor. It was not because the person behind the wheels looked dashingly hot, but because of the person himself.
Ryder, nudged me onto my shoulders, and whispered in an amusing tone, "You look like the Arrival Agent in the Land of the dead. Do you want me to help fix your jaw?"

Well, one can always expect Ryder to come up with some uncalled nonsense at a time like this.

I shut my mouth hastily, and glared at him.
I tried to shut my mind too, which was now playing the scene where the Arrival Agent's jaw literally dropped to his desk when he saw Miguel, so I could concentrate on my hapless fate that has unveiled before me.

"NO!" I exclaimed, coming out of my dazed state. I quickly hid behind Ava, who was big enough to hide my petite form, from the monster's sight, "I'm not going with him, Ava."
Even though the red frizzy strands that had escaped from Ava's neatly dressed hair slightly blocked my view of his, I could still see him smirking.

"Where's Zion? Was he not the one who wanted to drop her off?" Ava looked at Zane questioningly. 

However, I had a feeling that Zane wouldn't respond to her because he had stopped talking to everyone that had sided with me after the break-up. 
And then in just a few weeks after our break-up, he had left the town and had gone to live with his granny who lived in the west part of the city.

As expected, he ignored her, and instead chose to glare at Ryder, who had moved closer to the car to examine it.

"I'm here…" said Zion, approaching us from behind the car, breaking the awkward silence. "I'm sorry Samanta, it seems like Abbie had asked him to drop you off." He said, motioning at Abbie and then at him.

I shot a glance at Abbie, clearly feeling betrayed. 
How could she do this to me?

She gave a death stare at Zion, who in turn raised his hands as if in surrender. She then turned to us with a fake smile. 

What did she think? She could hide that from us?

I knew Ava must be staring daggers at her, because she hastily pulled me away from the others.

"Abbie, I'm not going with him." I mumbled, sneaking a glance at Zane, who was drumming on the steering wheel very calmly.

Okay… Stop looking at him!

"Please Sam," she beseeched, "please go with him."

"NO…" I refused again, even though a fist sized part of me was all ready to go with him. It seems like my stupid heart would never learn!
"I'm not going with him. If I have to leave with him, I'd better stay here." 

"No, you leave with him." She said hastily, as if she had an ulterior motive to send me with him.
Looking at my skeptical face, she quickly added, "Please go Sam, look at them," she waved at our friends, "Do they look like friends?" 
"I'm done and tired, seeing them crossing swords with each other, and all because of what?  Because you broke up with Zane." 

I looked at her sadly. True, a small portion of me did wish to go, but whatever reason she said was not strong enough to change my mind, which refused to travel alone with Zane.

Her brown eyes studied my 'I'm not convinced' expression and tried once more,

"Did you happen to see Chris at the party?" She asked me and the hurt showed visibly on her pretty face. I shook my head and wondered if she by any chance had feelings for Chris.

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