Chapter 6

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Hizashi looked up at him expectantly, growing more and more worried as time went on. Time filled with nothing but silence from both of them.

He's always so blunt about everything... He's not afraid to tell me things, because he doesn't care if I know... What could be so bad that Shouta of all people can't tell me?

Poor Sho...
What's he living with? Nothing is ever visibly hard for him to do, even privately.

Something has to be seriously bothering him if it's left him like this for as long as it has been.

Is he pissed at me? For missing something, or not realizing fast enough?

They were both brought out of their silence by a pounding on Hizashi's front door, making him jump. "What the- Who needs to be at my house at-" He looked at the time on his phone, continuing his complaint. "-I guess 10 in the morning isn't too late but still!"

"Someone who lives for inconvenience," Shouta forced out, standing up. "I'll go answer it. You stay here."

Hizashi nodded, snuggling back into his covers and trying to find a position that didn't cause his migraine to be the equivalent of being bashed in the head with a brick, closing his eyes for a minute, listening for voices.

Yelling. Again.

Can I never get peace? Now there's yelling that isn't mine! In my house! No! Go away!



Are they seriously fighting right now. In my living room. Please take this outside. I'm so sick of this. I don't want to hear it anymore.

I love you both, but please. Please stop.

"Why are you yelling at me?" Shouta responded loudly, clearly irritated by the tone of his voice that was ever so monotone than usual. Hizashi let out a loud groan, reaching hopelessly for his headphones across the room. He knew he couldn't reach, but the sentiment was there.

"You know damn well why. Where's Zashi?"

"He's trying to sleep and he has a headache, you going fucking nuts is the last thing he needs right now. Go home."

"You have no idea what he needs! You only care what you want."


You two seriously need to give up.

I will physically go down and bend the law to get a restraining order so neither of you can come near each other.

Why do they have to hate each other? Especially in MY HOUSE?!

"Zashi?" Nemuri whispered softly, coming into his bedroom and leaning against the bed with a gentle smile, eventually just sitting down next to him where Shouta had just been a minute ago.

"Hey 'Muri. What's up?" He asked, putting some energy into his voice and sitting up a bit, moving the hair out of his face.

"Figured I'd let you know that Shouta went through your phone and blocked my contact while you were sleeping. Just so you know. So if you need to, I don't know, contact me in an emergency or vice versa, you can't. And I feel like being petty about it today."

"He what?" Hizashi asked, frowning. "And couldn't you have been petty at, like, noon?" He added, trying to lighten the mood with a joke.

Why would he?

I know Nemuri makes him angry but I wouldn't expect him to go through my phone.

He has the finger-thing for emergencies only He knows that.

"Can you please just acknowledge all the red flags with him? I'm worried about you, and with how he acted yesterday before we left, I don't think you're safe when he's around. Zashi, please."

"Nem, I promise he isn't gonna do nothin, okay. There's nothing to worry about, I'm makin sure to be careful. Promise." Hizashi paused, making eye contact with Shouta, who appeared by the door. He opted to say nothing else.

Pissing him off more while Nem is here would be the stupidest thing I could do for now. Probably.

She gave a doubtful glance, leaning over to hug him, unaware of Shouta surveying the whole conversation in the doorway and clearly trying to hide how livid he was.

"Please be safe, little songbird." She looked up, noticing Shouta finally and going a bit pale. She had to have felt his anger. The whole room radiated it, now. "Unblock me now, kay?"

She ruffled his hair and got up to leave, with Shouta thankfully moving out of her way.

"Will do!" He promised, looking to Shouta and frowning again. "Why did you-"

"She kept texting and calling while you were asleep and I didn't want it to wake you up."


I want to believe him, that sounds like a reasonable thing for him to do. But is that really the case here?

Nemuri doesn't get this dramatic and... petty... over nothing. How different is he when he isn't around me?

Is he lying to me? About who he is? The kind of person I see him as?

Is the Shouta I know really just a facade?

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