Chapter 25

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Hizashi refused to say anything the whole ride home and thankfully, Nemuri respected that. She couldn't find words either.

The cops had been called and UA had been completely evacuated and dismissed for at least a week, to deal with the panic, and the grief. Both head teachers of the first years and All Might himself, all dead. Attempts were made to get comments out of Nemuri and Hizashi about his return and the murders, but she chewed them out and kwpt walking, protecting him the whole way.

She'd driven them to Hizashi's home, knowing that he'd likely be the most comfortable there. Beyond that, though, she clearly had no idea what she should do to make this better. It'd been years, and now she was all alone to help him deal with what was almost certainly the worst day of his life.

He sat down on his couch, huddled up in the corner cushion that connected both sofas into an L shape. He kept his eyes down, allowing his hair to stick to his face, due to the tears moistening his skin. He didn't bother wiping them.

All he could think about was the mind-shattering loud noise of the gun going off, and the looks in Toshinori, Vlad and Shouta's eyes as he watched each of them die in front of him. All of them were his fault.

If I'd just stayed home, maybe Nemuri would've found me safely. But Shouta would have looked here too…

He said he'd expected to see me soon.

He knew he'd be able to find me if he was just patient. He didn't need to look. I'd end up coming to him, and no matter where he found me, if it was at UA, here or Nemuri's…

Shouta would have somebody to kill. To force me back to him.

Was my escaping worth three lives?

Nemuri started getting settled in, looking to her friend and trying to pull him away from his thoughts.

"Zashi, hunny? Are you hungry? I was gonna order some pizza if you wanted."

He nodded, feeling his stomach churn, both from hunger and nausea. Eating was the last thing he wanted to do right now, but at this point it was so deep-rooted in his instincts to always agree to everything. To do whatever was suggested. Even if his body rejected it.

She gave a gentle thumbs up, picking up her cell phone and calling what she remembered to be Hizashi's favorite pizza place and ordering a medium pepperoni for the two of them to share. She mouthed an 'is that okay?' to which Hizashi agreed to.

All he wanted to do was hide in his room, to finally allow himself to get away from his painful sobriety. But he couldn't, right? Not with Nemuri here. She probably already knew deep down from what Shouta said but…

Knowing how she'd react if it was confirmed? Again?

He'd need to ask her for help sometime soon, anyway. That was the deal he'd agreed with himself on.

Get out, then get help.

Was now the right time to ask?

I just want one more time. After all of this, I deserve to feel it one last time.

One more day.

The pizza came rather quickly, almost instantly filling the room with the scent of warm, fresh food. It only increased Hizashi's nausea, but he picked at it and ate anyway. Nemuri had spent her time, her hard earned money to get food for him, and he wouldn't waste it.

She picked up on his actions, finishing her slice before speaking. "You don't have to eat if you don't want to, hunny."

He let out a meek 'It's fine,' still staring at the slightly burnt pepperoni pieces and not noticing the near constant tears that were still trickling down his face.

Nemuri gave another concerned look before deciding not to mention it any further. Hizashi could only make it through one slice before apologetically dismissing himself to his bedroom and preparing for the worst reaction. But there wasn't one. Just an understanding nod.

The guilt of today's events kept creeping up more and more. He was a murderer. He couldn't take it. At least Nemuri wouldn't force herself in. That wasn't her. Right? Was he remembering her correctly? People tend to change.

Oh well…

Hizashi laid down on his bed, the plush mattress under him taking so much of his pain away. Years of laying on a hard, dirt floor had taken a toll on his body, along with everything else.

Only one thing could make him feel better. So he could really rest.

And forget this.


Nemuri was yelling at him when he came to. Her voice was distant and it took him a long while to understand that she was in there and talking to him.

"Nem?" he smiled, weakly trying to sit up.

"Zashi, come on. Talk to me. Stay awake."

"Haha..ha.. Yeah!" He replied, not really understanding but happy to see her regardless. She looked worried, though. And she was holding his syringes. He'd used the rest of what he had, which was 5 and a half of them.

"What… what is this, Zashi… There's a nice guy on the phone and he needs to know."

"Heh… it's- Happy times, Nem..!"

"Come on, please- You can't do this again…" She pleaded, saying something he couldn't understand to the guy on the phone.

"Awwhh, Nem, whassrong? Don't be sad… I'm here! To make ya happ..y…" He frowned at her, feeling faint.

"Nem, imma… sleep a bit, I'm just a bit… I'm just… a bit… tired."

"No, Zashi. You can't. Come on. Just stay up a little longer. For me, okay? Please, hunny. Please…"

"Jussa bitty bit," he promised, feeling himself slip out, words no longer registering at all. "I'm sorry, Nem. Is jussa bit."

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