Exceptionally Okay

369 25 21

You wake up looking (and feeling) a little more refreshed and start rummaging for some clean clothes that would be appropriate for your night. The Last Drop is by no means fancy, but you're hoping to avoid a repeat of what Viktor had to witness this morning at all costs.

After nixing a couple of options, you go with an off-white T-shirt that dips at your collarbones and pulls nicely at your shoulders and chest. You find some slim-fitting gray pants that taper in at the ankle, making it easy to tuck into where your brown leather boots lace up. For the first time today, you finally feel presentable.

You catch just a hint of Viktor's scent as you put his jacket in your pack and wonder if he wears some kind of cologne or if that's just him. It reminds you of pages from a book and some kind of warming spice that you can't put your finger on.

Before you go, you pack some tobacco in a pipe that you built a few years back, the rest you add to a small tin and put it in your pocket.

You wave at Remy on your way out, happy to see he's already serving a few customers at the bar even though the still is out of commission. After a few blocks you hear the sounds of the city get louder and louder, a sign that you're getting closer to the Lanes.

It's a sound you've grown use to, even fond of, but it's an entirely different energy than the area you met Viktor in. The coffeehouse you work...worked at was nestled in one of the quieter parts of town. Not exactly well-to-do, but definitely not the kind crowd you serve in the market. You start to get nervous about Viktor meeting you here and light your pipe with a steady breath in through your mouth.

You let the smoke sit there for a moment, relishing the warm flavor as you fail at settling your thoughts. He's an inventor that the Academy is looking at, why the hell would he want to come within five feet of your bar, especially after dark. Maybe he'll come early so he misses the drunken mayhem that happens later on? It's still not the kind of area you could really see him in.

You finally blow the smoke out, enjoying the smooth notes of rum coming through and mentally thank Remy for infusing this blend for you. You get a few more drags in as you walk past a fruit cart, the brothel, and finally—The Last Drop.

Vander is standing just outside, smoking his own pipe and nods at you as you approach. "[Y/n], good ta see ya." He grins when he sees your pipe. "What's on that fancy menu of yours tonight lad." He takes another puff and exhales away from you as you near him.

"So glad you asked." You greet the older man and pull the tin you packed out of your pocket. "Spiced rum, Remy infused it himself."

He eyes the tin as you hand it to him and pulls the lid off. "Did he now?" He looks amused as he inhales the scent of the tobacco, raises a brow and smiles at you with another nod. "It's good, he must be hanging around you more."

He reaches to hand you the tin back but you wave him off. "You keep it, I've got more at home." He puts the tin in his pocket and slaps your shoulder. "Trying to refine my palate, boy?"

"Maybe." You chuckle at the half-truth and take one more drag before one of his friends comes to talk to him about issues with the enforcers. Those talks have been happening more and more frequently, so you decide to save your trade conversation for a better time.

As you make your way inside you only notice a few faces, none of which are the one you were hoping to see, but it's still early. You clean up some glasses and get your prep work out of the way just in case Viktor stops in before your shift starts.

The lull doesn't last long and next thing you know you've got a full bar and slinging drinks with Vander. You work well together, he's charismatic with the patrons and you're quick with your pours. It makes the night go by quickly until a man sits in front of you at the bar.

As Above, So Below / Viktor x Reader / Arcane FanficWhere stories live. Discover now