Worth It

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You thought it would be mind-numbingly boring for Viktor to just sit and watch you clean up and check inventory, but you found that neither one of you ran out of things to talk about.

You asked about how his presentation went and he was excited that the board seemed invested and interested in learning more about his ideas.

"What exactly did you present?"

Watching Viktor explain the ins and outs of his theories and inventions was like watching a little kid in a candy store. You didn't think you would ever get used to the way his eyes lit up when he got excited or would explain an idea.

You take a swig out of your drink before wiping down the bar, looking up when he speaks and enjoying how his enthusiasm causes him to talk with his hands more. You watch as his hand leaves his glass to hang in the air, fingers flexing when his passion for his work shines through and wrist rolling when he tries to better explain concepts to you.

"It's not much yet, but I'm hoping to develop more tools that make the working conditions here both safer and more efficient. Most of the accidents that occur in places like the mines are because of human error, so if we can mitigate where those risks are taking place, we'll have higher rates of production with less chance of injury."

His dedication for bettering lives in the undercity made you mentally assess the work you've done since you were a kid. You can't help but think of the shifty jobs you pick up when you're hurting for cash, or the combat training you've been doing just in case the rumors of a rebellion turn out to be more than that. Nothing like this, no goals like he's reaching for.

"That's an admirable cause to devote your studies to, what's the new tool that they're wanting to see?" Viktor takes a drink as well and nudges the glass forward. "They didn't give me that much direction, they just wanted to see my theories in action. Their words."

You look down at the empty glass, impressed that he's already tucked away another round and pull it back to you. "I've just gotta put the chairs up so I can sweep and we're free to do whatever we want." You flutter your fingertips on his glass. "You want another one and stay here a bit, or we could go to R&R's? Quieter part of town."

Viktor bites his lip, pondering the options. "If I drink another one of those walking is going to be interesting."

"I've gotcha." A quick toothy grin flashes on your face as you pour him some water before making your way to one of the tables. He pauses after taking a sip. "R&R's...is that the old forge that got converted into a bar?"

You furrow your brows as you pick up a chair to flip onto the table. "It used to be a forge...?" You think about the layout and start to feel suspicious of the small hearth in the makeshift kitchen. Viktor shrugs and drinks his water. "It might just be a rumor, since the current owner used to be a blacksmith."

He turns to look at you holding a chair up, lost in thought as you play the layout of the building through your head, realizing there's ventilation that goes out the back.

"Did you forget where that goes?" He jokes, but his focus gets pulled fairly quickly after speaking.

Viktor's voice breaks you out of your daydream, you look over at him but his eyes move quickly from you to his water before taking another sip.

"I guess so, huh?" You straighten the fabric of your shirt that starts tugging up your biceps after you set the chair down and go to grab a broom.

He sits in silence for a second while you hastily finish your work. "How're you feelin' two-ski brewskies?" You put the broom away and find Viktor glaring at you for the nickname. "Two-ski incredibly strong brewskies, sir." He corrects you before sliding his water over, indicating that he's done. Between the inflection in his tone and his accent dallying with the nickname, you hold back a laugh as best you can.

"Apologies, two-ski strong man brewskies."

"Better." He nods with a satisfied grin.

You take his glass and finish up his water to help mellow out your own buzz and also so you don't have to wash anything else for the night.

He tilts his head curiously after you finish his drink. "Do you...do that often?"

You wash out his glass and chuckle as you set it out to air dry. "Only for my fake boyfriend." He scoffs as he gets down from the barstool and you meet him on the other side once you pack the saddles into your bag.

"You're such a romantic, how did I get so lucky?"

As you walk with him to the door, you can hear the cold air is whistling through the cracks and go to grab his jacket from your pack. You see his eyes widen as you hold it out for him. "You have good taste I guess." You joke, but you'd be lying if you weren't wishing this conversation could be even the smallest bit real in another life.

"I was wondering if I had left it at the coffeeshop, I was going to ask if you were working there tomorrow." You clench your teeth and the corners of your mouth turn down as he leans his cane on the wall to put his jacket on. His expression sinks when he sees you grimace. "...she fired you anyway?"

He stands on his own pretty well for being moderately buzzed and you're immediately grateful for getting that coat back to its rightful owner once Viktor slips into it. You stop briefly to admire how beautifully it hugs his torso and grin before opening the door. "It was worth it."


The jacket finally made it back home :)

I've got a pretty busy work week coming up and wanted to get a quick chapter out since it's ready to roll. The chapter after this one is also about ready, but I'm going back and forth about a couple of things in it so hoping I can iron out those details soon and publish later this week after I'm done with my real writing job. 

Regardless there's going to be another steamy chapter soon, but hopefully the banter and getting some of Vik's future plans laid out is entertaining as well. Almost called this chapter two-ski brewskies.

Thanks again for reading!


As Above, So Below / Viktor x Reader / Arcane FanficWhere stories live. Discover now