Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Bonfire

The next day I got a couple of texts from Stiles late in the evening. Apparently, Lydia thought that maybe her grandmother could be the Benefactor, and someone had attacked Jordan. He and Scott were going to fill in Derek, and Scott had given Jordan you're supernatural being speech.

I sat on my bed as I read through the messages, a sigh escaping my lips. It seemed like everything just got more and more complicated. And there was something else that started to bother me as I read the messages. Stiles said that another deputy attacked Jordan, not an assassin, just some random guy.

I sat up, my heart beating quickly in my chest, this means that just anyone could get ahold of the list now. But how? Suddenly, I heard a tap on my window, and I shot up instinctively, my Berserker dagger flying to my hand. But as I walked over to the window, I saw a familiar face. "Liam, what the hell are you doing here? It's midnight," I whispered as I opened the window and the boy hopped in. "Sorry," he stuttered. I could tell something had happened, my eyes wandered his face, hoping for some sign of what had happened, and then I looked down and saw the paper in his hand.

"What happened?" I asked softly. "It just started coming out of my printer and it wouldn't stop until I unplugged it," he answered handing me the paper. It was a copy of the dead pool. But it had been altered slightly. Derek's name was no longer on the list, and Liam was worth more now. I let out a sigh as I went over and sat on my bed. "It's different. And it's being sent out to everyone now. Not just assassins, and contract killers," I stated before I sat the list down on my bed and ran my hands over my face. "Is it always like this?" Liam asked as he sat down next to me. "Terrifying? I don't know," I sighed. 

As I looked over at Liam, I could tell there was something else bothering him, it wasn't just the list. "Tell me what's really up, with you. Because as terrifying as the idea of just anyone being able to hunt us is. That's not what's bothering you," I told him. "It's nothing," Liam insisted, standing up and walking back to the window. "Liam, you need to talk to someone," I said standing up and walking over to him. I could tell something was really bothering him, and it bothered me. "I'm fine," he replied more forcefully. "Liam," I muttered. "Why do you care!" he barked, flashing his golden eyes at me. "Because I care about you," I hissed angrily. 

Everything flooded my mind at once, I was angry that I hadn't been able to beat the Berserker in the hospital. I was angry that we were so far behind the Benefactor, and people were still getting hurt.  I was angry that my friend was terrified and wouldn't even let me help. And I was terrified that something was going to happen to them. 

I looked up at Liam my eyes glowing silver. "Go home Liam," I said coldly as I turned around hiding my hands that had begun to glow. A moment later I heard him slip out the window and I collapsed on the ground as my chest felt like it was going to explode. My hands began to glow brighter and brighter, and finally, I let go. And the fear and anger consumed me. Tears ran down my face as I slammed both my fists down and silver energy burst forward.

Slowly the tingling in my body stopped and my eyes faded back to their normal color, I looked around at the damaged I had done, the stack of books on my floor was scattered across the ground and the pictures I had hanging had been knocked off the wall. "God, I hate that," I muttered as I pulled myself up and wiped the tears from my eyes. 


I kept my head down at school the next day. Malia was the only one I saw, and all she did was ask me if I was going to the bond fire. I thought it was nice that even though she wasn't talking to Scott or Stiles she still talked to me. I think it was mostly because she knew that I had no idea about her being Peter's daughter, at least not until Stiles told me that night on the way home.

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