Is this the end?

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Devin's POV

I walked in my room and laid on my bed next to Kaylnn . She was touching my basketball and watching TV , I guess I really hurt her feelings.

"Kaylnn?..." I said to her , but she kept quiet

"KAYLNN MARIE JAMES!" I yelled making her jump, I chuckled at her face, but I guess she didn't find it funny cause now she was on her way out of the door.

"Kaylnn where are you going?" I asked chasing her down the stairs

"Home." she responded opening her door handle, I grabbed her arm stopping her

"Kay-" I felt a sting on my left cheek

" WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TODAY" she asked getting in her jeep and speeding out of my driveway and down the street.

"What did you do" my mother asked getting out of the car

"I don't know ma " I said holding my cheek and going inside to call D'Angelo for advice

Kiya's POV

Last night after D'angelo left he told me about him really considering going to THE Ohio State university and words cant explain my emotions he though I would be sad but Ohio is my home state so I was super excited. After he told me we went to grab a bite to eat and I stayed the night with him.

buzz... buzz...

"D'Angelo answer your phone" I said shaking him to wake up

buzz... buzz...

"Babe someone is calling you" I said turning over to grab his phone

"Hello" I said into the phone

"Kiya? is that you?" Devin asked sounding shocked

" Yeah it is why so shocked I'm the only female that should be answering his phone anyways" I said still shaking my heavy sleeper boyfriend

"True ,but I really fucked up and need to talk to Dlo , is he awake?" Devin said

"Just a second" I said as I muted Devin and kissed D' Angelo all over his face to wake him up

" ugh man what it's like 3 a.m. lets just sleep in" D'Angelo said in his sexy sleepy voice

"Lol it's 11 a.m. and wake up Devin is on the phone...." I said still sitting on him

He wiped his face and eyes stating that he is really trying to stay awake to function.

"Tell him to call back baby I'm really sleepy" he said sounding grumpy and super cute though.

"But babe he says he really needs your help" I told him unmuting the phone and putting it to his ear.

D'Angelo's POV

As you guys can see I'm really not a morning person and Kiya really is but it's bro and he needs my help so the sheets will have to wait.....

" Wassup man" I said sleepily into my Iphone6

"I messed up big time this time" my boy Dev said into the phone sounding like the tears were coming

" Wait what man , calm down and just meet me at the courts" I said to him

Talking about it here will cause Kiya to know and she will go ape shit knowing that Devin messed up again. Also the court is where we go to settle anything and everything.

"ight man see you there" I said hanging up and rolling out of bed

"well I guess that's my cue huh" Kiya said grabbing her keys

"oh crap babe I forgot you were with me, just come along you can go to the gym" I said to her holding her waist

"Nah it's cool I'll just hang with Kaylnn or something" she said pecking my cheek and getting out of my grip

"absolutely not going down like that, it's our week together and you're not going home" I said to her pulling her back to me

"Fine I needed to get my workouts in since track is over I've been slacking" she said

"good now you can use my shower I'll use the guest room" I told her pecking both Cheeks and walking away

At the Court

Devin's POV

"Wassup ya'll" I said as Kiya and D'Angelo walked up

"Hey" they both said in unison

"Lol well babe I'll be in the weight room or on the track just call me" Kiya said kissing D I swear they are always happy

"ight and no talking to dudes, those spandex going get you in trouble" Dlo said

"omg shut up but be careful, take it easy on him no injuries to my future Buckeye" Kiya said to me

" I'll try Mrs.Russell Lol" I said laughing and dapping up with D

" HA HA nothing I'm being serious as a heart attack, if something happens I'm killing you both" she said being very serious and walking away

"Scary much" I said to D'Angelo grabbing a ball and walking onto the court


Sorry its been awhile my grandmother passed away and I just haven't been in the mood

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