Home sweet home?

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{Kay's POV}
It is now the first day of Christmas break and the girls are going to spend the holidays with our boy's family. Since they spent Thanksgiving with ours in Lima. I'm in Michigan with Devin's mom side. Kiya went to Louisville with D'Angelo and a lucky Ki'Asia is home in Lima with Tyler AND her family 😒

"I wasn't nervous until you said something" I said now scared to get out the car

"Girl it ain't even that serious, let's just go in and you'll see" Devin said placing his hand on my thigh

"Let's go" I said
As we walked in I couldn't smell any food being cooked and no one was here. wtf it's Christmas Eve tomorrow . My family would be running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Well this is the white side of him so maybe they do that stuff earlier.

"Hey Kay, how are you honey" Mother Victoria said hugging me tightly

"I'm great how are you" I said hugging her back

"That's good... MAYA YOUR BROTHER IS HERE" she yelled hugging Devin

"Hey mom" Devin said kissing her cheek.

"Hey Devvy" Maya said coming out of her room
This is my first time meeting her in person and she seems really sweet.

"Maya, this is Kaylnn as you know" Dev said putting his arm around me

"Omg it's so nice to finally meet you" Maya said embracing me with a hug

"I can say the same" I said hugging her back

"Anyways are you guys hungry" Victoria asked

"Yessss" Devin and I said in unison

"Well you guys want to go out to eat" she suggested

"Waffle House" the 3 of us said

Well this should be a Christmas to remember.

{D'Angelo POV}
"Aye Pops we are here!!" I yelled walking into the house carrying our bags

"D'Angelo get all the snow off your shoes don't track it through the house" Kiya whispered to me

"Oh shit you right" I said dropping the bags and walking over to the rug

"They are probably sleep it is only 9 in the morning" she whispered to me

"They still getting the groceries from my Granny house" I said reading my text from Tony

"Aww man I wanted to see Tonio"She said taking off her grey Uggs

"Lol they'll be here soon" I said texting all my brothers and mom letting them know we made it

"I can take a nap before they get back" She said yawning sitting on the couch

"Right me too" I said rubbing through my hair

"You're going to be mad at me" she said placing her hand on her forehead

"Why... You left it didn't you" I said covering my mouth

"Yes, I'm so sorry" she said walking to my room

"So you want a nappy head boyfriend for these next 3 weeks" I said sarcastically walking in behind her

"It was right next to my wand and I grabbed that so I don't know how I forgot it" she said going through the bag with her hair stuff

"Oh Lord my life is ruined" I said falling back on the bed dramatically

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