Dear Diary(#24)

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I begin to walk away from the weird situation.

All of a sudden someone grabs my arm and yanks me back.

I begin to scream but some guy puts his hands over my mouth.

Great, now im going to die!


I try to kick the guys but it doesnt work. He's kinda hella strong.

The guys drag me away from the street.(cause like were in the front of this yard thigy and like the world could see us ya feel)

The boys take me into this forest thingy not far from the other thingy and i notice there is camp thingy set up.(so many thingys)

The guy lets me go and sits me down on this big ass log thing. i want to run away cause aint nobody holdin me back but i decide against it cause all the guys were looking at me and one of them had a knife.

it was starting to get dark so one of the guys, tall dark hair tan dude, sets up a camp fire kinda thing. i wanted to recommend some songs we could sing together but decided against it. In any other situation i would start singing some campy songs, but not this time.

The guys were kinda chill but then there was a howling sound. "The king is here" says the dark skinned guy.

i look in every direction to see the 'king'.

I see him.

Hes a tall, blonde, blue eyed guy that people would mistake for a newborn but THERE WRONG CAUSE HE LOOKS LIKE HIS AGE AND UR STUPID IF U CANT TELL. It looked like he has a great back and great hands and arms and shoulder and just everything man (DAMN).

Hes wearing a crown made from leaves and yeah.

One of the guys that 'kidnaps' me starts stuttering and says something like "homeboy this is a little hoe that we kidnapped". but im not sure, i couldn't hear him that well.

"What up homeboy" i say.

No response.

Homeboy pulls out a gun and shoots one of the guys (i dont even know).

i want to scream and shit but i didnt like the guys anyway so i just start laughing.

The homeboy goes back form where he came.


one of the other guys says that im free to go.

If homeboy stayed a bit longer im pretty sure i would've gotten Stockholm syndrome man. (great song btw)

Just realized i didnt even know homeboys name. sounds like a personal issue.

i get up and start walking home.

Lifes crazy.

One moment your eating a donut, the next ur getting 'kidnapped' by some guys.

I hate the world



Im a horrible person, havnt updated in two years. fuck

hahaha my b.

imma start writing again cause my homegirl is a hoe and is making me. buts thats okay.

i swear im not a shitty writer, this book is shitty.

Sorry if this makes no sense, its past 12 and im sleepy and kinda hungry buts thats okay.

Ill try to update atleast twice a week. Probs more (maybe not cause i have finals and shit and my teachers are bitches and give shitloads of hw and i have one d to stalk) but imma try.

Ive changed loads in the past two years. One thing is that im not a Little Mix fan no more. Shit happens.

Hahah theres MUCh more buts it irrelavent.



Pretty sure my homegirl is gonna be the only one reading this shit but thats okay.



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