Rush's Return

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Flickering blue and red lights caught the attention of the town. Two officers, dressed in a handsome shade of indigo, approached a house.

Inside, the distressed mother struggled to leash her emotions. On a raggy old couch, she allowed herself to spill her tears, as well as her heart, out to the cops.

As she blubbered, she informed the police of what she knew,"My child, (Y/n), has been missing for three days. I thought they'd be back, but no. They've left home and they haven't come back; I've rung everyone they knew but got nothing!"

"I see, Ms (M/n)." The officer stated, scrawling in a scrawny notebook," Is this something your child did in the past? If so, where did they go?"

(M/n)'s hands hid her grief stricken face, tears coating her skin,"I just want my child!"

The two cops interrogated the neighborhood and found no lead. When they were done with their business, they went to a coffee shop downtown. Over coffee, the two laughed and chatted. At a point during their break, they scrolled through Tik Tok and found something noteworthy; the same video (Y/n) found several days back.

"Ah, the next dumb thing for the youth to enjoy." The first cop said, snickering under his breath,"How much you wanna bet this is where the kid is?"

The other cop shook her head, laughing,"We're betting for the same thing; I bet they'll be there."

Adjusting their uniform, they finished their drinks and got up, having already paid for the coffees. An idea had been ingrained into their brains, an idea which seemed logical at the time.

Standing in front of the hotel the elder officer snickered; this was such an amusing case to him. The younger of them was quite intimidated by it, but played down her fear to appear brave.

"Damn, the bridge is broken." He scowled, stomping his right foot heavily onto the ground nearby it.

A few pieces of scattered debris fell down into the put below, causing his to take a few steps back and hiss his curses.

Taking out a radio, he demanded backup.

Enjoying the carefree air around them, (Y/n) nuzzled their head towards Seek's chest. Being cared for was something (Y/n) didn't expect, especially from the look of them. Sociology had taught them never to be prejudice, and now (Y/n) understood why.

"Seek?" (Y/n) mumbled, finding themself in a war to stay awake.

The entity snapped back into focus the second its name was mentioned,"Yeah (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) leaned in closer, so that their hair brushed against it's neck,"I won't leave you. You know that, right?"

Their mouth was partially covered in their shirt, hazing their words slightly. Even so, Seek heard every bit of it,"Thank you, (Y/n)."

"Same goes for you, big guy." (Y/n) playfully teased, reaching an arm out and brushing their fingertips against the entity's rough skin.

There was no words from it, just a soft, reassured purring.

They broke into light conversation for a while, chattering about nothing particularly. There was a mention of (Y/n)'s home life, the entities hobbies, their opinions on varying subjects (from people to food), what they found interesting and what weather they liked.

Reaching door 72, they heard the low rumbling sound Rush emitted, and he came into the room to bombard them. His reason was understandable.

"(Y/n), what have you done?" It screeched, pressing it's face close to theirs,"Th-There's lights outside: bright, flickering lights! They're so pretty and colourful..where did they come from?"

(Y/n) didn't understand the correlation between them and the lights outside, and assumed it was fireworks they were talking about,"I've not set off any fireworks.."

"'Fireworks'?" Rush squeaked out, much to (Y/n)'s amusement and delight,"I change my mind, I'd like to help you on your way."

Seek's visage appeared conflicted,"What do you mean? Weren't you already helping us?"

"Ho ho ho! No, I said I wasn't going to kill you, not helping." Rush bellowed, a tone of excitement lining his otherwise monotone voice,"But I've been thinking and I understand how much that might mean to you (escaping, that is)."

To say (Y/n) was appreciative was an understatement, as they were joy was causing them to jitter a bit.

"Ok, we should keep going as it's almost nightfall." Figure observed, using it's incredible hearing.

Sharing a hopelessly lost glance, Seek and Rush glared at Figure before realising it was blind and couldn't interpret their action. Seek spoke on behalf of them,"How can you tell it's night time?"

"There's a distinctive hooting owls make, and I go off of the noise outside for time. As well as the grandfather clocks, too." Figure explained, desiring the journey's continuance.

"Oh, your human fell asleep." Rush piped up, staring at (Y/n)'s closed eyes,"They good?"

Figure saw Seek's exhaustion, and they decided to take a detour to some more luxurious bedrooms, for higher paying customers.

The hallway was a T-shape and the exit was down the centre hallway. There were two empty rooms, one to the left and the other to the right side of the centre. Along the hallway they'd entered, which was at the top of the T, were several bedrooms, of which were larger than the ones they resided in the previous nights.

"Someone should stay with the human, as I fear something could become of them if left unattended." Figure stated, tucking (Y/n) into the king sized bed.

Seek proposed that it should stay with (Y/n), and snuggled up besides them, resting an arm over them and sharing it's warmth. (Y/n) gave a small smile in their sleep upon feeling Seek's warming embrace.

Rush and Figure went into the next room, deciding it were best to stick together and suck up to one another, whether it was awkward or not.

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