Confessions (Weird ending/Seek x reader ending)

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(Y/n) tapped her foot against the table leg, watching the TV eagerly. All she needed was five numbers, the right five numbers, and she'd be a millionaire.

The announcer, dressed formally in a grey suit, took the envelope and opened it, reciting the numbers on the paper.

(M/n) stared at her ticket.

81 05 73 92 14

On the TV, he recited.

86 03 77 44 26

Much to her dismay, not a single number matched. Pushing her chair back, she got up and decided to get busy in the kitchen.

Seek stressed over (Y/n), worried they'd had a scuffle with the police. Heading over to (M/n)'s house, it breathed in a lungful and knocked.

(M/n) answered almost instantaneously, hoping it was (Y/n), only to find Seek. She wasn't disappointed, but expected her child to come running.

"Come in." She told it, closing the door behind them.

Gesturing over to the living room, (M/n) instructed it got comfortable. Due to it being there several times before, it didn't feel as awkward and relaxed quite easily on the chair, worried still about (Y/n).

Standing in the kitchen, (M/n) chopped vegetables for a soup she was cooking. The pot was on a lit stove and the water bubbled, creating a satisfying sound. Keeping an eye on her guest, she shuffled over to the kitchen door.

"You wouldn't have happened to have seen (Y/n) perhaps?" (M/n) chanced it, crossing her fingers and hoping for an answer.

"They were heading over here to protect Figure, last I saw of them. I can keep an eye on them from here if you'd like." It offered, sitting up in the chair.

Perplexed, (M/n) stepped through the kitchen doorway and leaned against the frame,"That's possible from here?"

Smirking, Seek placed eyes in the kitchen,"You believe me now?"

She stared into the eyes which monitored the kitchen,"How is it you can do that?"

"My body consists of a matter halfway between a liquid and a solid; it's capable of solidifying and creating a form which I can use. It can also stem off and make insentient parts, separate from the main form, who controls it. Though I may be sentient, the things which stem off of it aren't and are linked to my conscience." It explained, very wordy.

Trying to interpret what was said to her, (M/n) confusedly muttered,"Riight.."


Holding Figure's hand, (Y/n) lead it onwards towards their house. Stunning them, they noticed eyes scattered up and down the walls of the neighbouring houses, observing.

"Seek?" (Y/n) mused, approaching one particularly large one.

Figure titled its head in bewilderment,"Is Seek putting eyes over the walls again?"

"I guess so.." (Y/n)'s voice trailed off, weakening towards the end.

Leading it on, they continued their excursion. Clambering up the steps to their house, they helped Figure up.

(M/n) was at the already opened door, waiting for them to come home,"(Y/n), you're finally home. I thought you'd run off again."

"No, I'm staying here. At least for tea." (Y/n) chuckled, rubbing their neck tenderly.

"Will they be staying for tea?" (M/n) shouted through from the kitchen.

Seek shook its head,"I've got something important to do. I'd love to, but time is a bit short. Plus, it'd be best if I took Figure home."

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