Chapter 9

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Akaashi's Pov

"Just remember to pass your assignments tomorrow..okay class dismiss."

After the teacher said that, I pack my belongings and decided to go to the gym.

I was walking down the hallway when I saw something in the corner of my eye.

It was y/n she was with a boy from her class...but why does she looks like she was enjoying it? They're smiling at each other....

I clutch the strap of my bag tightly, thinking how hurt I am seeing her smiling at others. I continued walking through the gym, ignoring everyone and walk straight ahead the locker room to change.

"Hey hey hey Agashi, they say my spike's improv-"

"Not now Bokuto-san..."

3rd POV

"Not now Bokuto-san..." Akaashi said to his upperclassman with a very cold voice.

"O-oh okay.." then Bokuto run off outside the locker room terrified since what he just saw is Akaashi's side that screams danger.

Akaashi practiced even though he feels frustrated on himself for letting that boy from your class be close to you. It makes him distracted and messed up his sets.

His teammates are wondering what's on Akaashi's mind, he's mostly more composed but what they are seeing right now is the complete opposite of it.

After they practiced, the players are sitting on the bench including Akaashi.

Komi decided to approach Akaashi hoping he could ask what's wrong with him since bokuto wouldn't dare to come close to him.

But when Komi's already close to Akaashi, he was surprised or more likely shocked of what he saw.






Akaashi's showing a face of obsession, eyes wide and dull , lips curving and aura screams danger or Intension of killing.

And that's when Komi knows that whoever made Akaashi like this is dead.







I was walking back home with Kazumi, a boy from my class. He's really fun to be with. But sadly we're going to separate ways when we arrived at the intersection.

I continued walking back home, i was passing by an alleyway when I sense something or someone is following me. I shrug it off thinking I'm just imagining things but few minutes later, the feeling is still lingering. I turned around and actually saw a guy wearing all black, I fasten my steps and when I confirmed the guy was following me, i ran.

I ran and ran even though I'm out of breath, i looked back behind me and sighed in relief that I lost the guy.

I was catching my breath and started walking again, being cautious to my surroundings. I turned into the corner and suddenly I was met with the guy who's following me earlier. He immediately grab me as I was struggling to get him off me.

I look at the guy's face and I saw his blue-gunmetal eyes looking at me before he knock me out.







Wishing on dandelions all of the time....

All of the time...





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