Chapter 10

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I woke up with a the sound of a television playing.

I look at my surroundings and saw that I'm in a abandoned house, then I realized I was tied up in a chair.

"Another female student from Fukurodani Academy was missing, reports said that the last person she's with was a student named Kazumi Akira, who's also missing, the FBI are now finding the students and investigating who's behind the missing cases."

Missing student? There is another one? Wait.... I am kidnapped, wasn't that making me the missing student? And Kazumi? Where is he? Where am I?

I was lost in my thought that I didn't notice someone was looking at me.

"My my you're awake my love, how's sleep?"

That voice...that voice is familiar. I look at my side and saw my best friend or currently the guy I love sitting on a chair sharpening his knife.


"Yes love?"


Akaashi put his knife down and slowly approaching me.

"Why?....cause I love you!" He chuckled.

"Are you also behind those missing students?!"

"Why yes, of course." He's walking around me.

"Where are they? What did you do?!" I frantically look at my sides hoping I could see one of the students. I did saw one...




It was Kazumi, lifeless eyes staring at me.



He's dead.




Those words seems to trigger Akaashi as he grab my chin and made me look at him.

"Akaashi why?...why? You're such a good person, how can you do this?" I stared at him with teary eyes.

"Because I'm tired y/n, I'm tired of you looking at other guys. I'm one can have you but me...only me."


"YOU'RE MINE Y/N! MINE!" Then he laughed loudly as my tears falling on my cheeks.

I look down thinking of all the things I did for him.







So it wasn't just me all along. He also loves me... I look up to him my emotions changing.

"So.....killing those girls is not actually a waste...." I stated.

Akaashi stopped laughing and looked at me.






3rd Pov

"What?" Akaashi look at her seriously.

"You heard me...killing the girls who cornered you was not a waste."

"You're the one who also caused the missing?"

"Yeah...unexpected isn't it?" Y/n stared at him smiling.

"Woah, I can't believe this... ha..HAHAHA" Akaashi laughed maniacally.

" that means, you also love me?" Akaashi look down on y/n.

"Would i kill somebody if I don't?"

"Good point"

"Now can you pls untie me in this chair? It's uncomfortable."

"Nah stay there for a few minutes, I kinda like the way you look right now." Akaashi crouched down, putting his chin on his hands still looking at y/n.

"Where are we?"

"In the middle of a field of dandelions, or should I say in the middle of nowhere."

Akaashi then untie y/n and look at her intensely as y/n also did the same. Smiling at each other wickedly.

Akaashi then starting to close the gap between them.






I'm in a field of dandelions

Wishing on everyone that you'll be mine...



"You're finally mine..."

"You're mine"










The end.

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