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A/N Alright! I know you get sick of me taking forever to upload, and I am so sorry about it! My first year of college has been kicking my ass mentally, physically, and emotionally so please understand I've just been so busy. I'm trying to wrap up the story in the next few chapters so please bear with me.

Thank you so much for your understanding.

Addy POV

The next morning, Draco and I got up and started our day. I showered and got dressed and then went to the kitchen and began making breakfast. As I was standing before the stove, I felt Draco come up behind me. I smiled as he nuzzled the back of my neck, making me shiver. I felt him smile.

"Good morning beautiful." He said softly, running his hands up and down my sides.

"Good morning love." I giggled.

"Close your eyes." He mumbled softly in my ear.

"Why?" I asked, curious.

"Just do it." He laughed.

I gave a long suffering sigh and obliged. I gave a start when I felt something cold and solid settle itself in between my breasts. Draco chuckled behind me and kissed the back of my neck.

"Open your eyes."

I opened them, looked down, and gasped.

Hanging around my neck was a beautiful and delicate white gold chain. Hanging on the end of the chain in between my breasts was the most beautiful locket I had ever seen in my life. It was oval and made of white gold and was covered with intricate filigree encrusted with tiny sparkling diamonds. At the very center was an emerald carved into a snake.

"Draco, it's beautiful," I whispered, stunned that he would give me such a beautiful gift. "I don't think I can accept it." I mumbled, embarrassed. I don't think I had ever owned anything this beautiful or expensive before in my life.

"No. I want you to have it. Look at the back." He insisted sternly.

I carefully lifted the locket up and flipped it over. Carved into the back were four words:

"Love you always -Draco"

I felt a lump rising in my throat as I tried to hold back tears. All I could do was nod as he kissed my forehead.

I had never doubted that Draco loved me. But his gift gave me something to hold onto during the dark times that I knew were coming.

"There's parchment inside it that I've enchanted to send me a message. All you have to do is open it and say what you want me to know and it'll appear on the paper. You close the locket and it'll appear on the parchment I have inside my watch." He clutched my hands, slightly desperate. "That way you'll never have to worry about us being apart again."

"Of course I can worry about us being apart." I said thickly.

Draco pulled me to him and kissed the top of my head. I furiously wiped at my eyes while he mumbled something into my hair.

At this time, we heard the front door open and the unmistakable sounds of Fred and George arguing about something from their joke shop and how to improve it. Draco and I broke apart sheepishly. Despite our intimate relationship, we still felt odd about my family seeing it in action.

"I'll go get Allissia." Draco snorted.

I turned back to the cooking as Fred and George crashed into the kitchen.

"No, no, no!" George was saying. "You're wrong! We can't make anymore Sickening Sweets! I'm not going to be testing them! Besides, what else could would make! Dragon pox?" He snorted, amused at his own wit.

The Other Weasley Girl (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now